HP Theses: 1990-1999
Chappel, Jill A.: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1990.
Homestead Ranches of the Fort Rock Valley: Vernacular Building in the Oregon High Desert
Guzowski, Ken: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1990.
Portland’s Olmsted Vision (1897-1915): A Study of the Public Landscapes Designed by Emanuel T. Mische in Portland, Oregon
Lee, Sohyun Park: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1990.
A Proposal for the Preservation of Early Western Architecture in Seoul, Korea
MacDonald, Jill Jewett: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1990.
Carson Mansion: Re-creation of the Historic Surface Materials in Six of the Primary Spaces
McGinn, Barry: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1990; M.Architecture, 1989.
The Use, Manufacture, and Historic Preservation of Ornamental Electric Lighting Fixtures with the Work of Frederick C. Baker as a Case Study
Sackett, Patricia Lynn: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1990.
A Partial Inventory of the Work of Emil Schacht: Architect in Portland, Oregon from 1885-1926
Taylor, Christine: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1990.
Planning for the Preservation of the Campus Plan: University Campuses of the West Coast
Emerson, Kimberly M.: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1991.
Guidelines for the Rehabilitation of Depression Era Post Offices in Oregon
Ferrell, Patricia Louise: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1991.
Critical Issues in Historic Site Interpretation: A Case Study of the Dunsmuir House in Oakland, California
Hartmans, Donna Marie: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1991.
Historic Lookout Stations on the Willamette National Forest: Management Plans for Preservation
Kadas, Marianne Hakanson: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1991.
In the Shadow of the Neahkahnie: Northwest Regional Style Beginnings
Netsch, Timothy Francis: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1991.
A Documentation and Restoration Plan for the First Christian Advent Church in John Day, Oregon
Sanford, Dena Lynn: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1991.
Finnish Homesteads in Montana’s Little Belt Creek Valley: Korpivaara’s Vernacular Building Tradition
Girand, Ann: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1993.
The Current and Historic Significance of Small Community One-Screen Motion Picture Theaters Shown Through a Case Study
Kelley, Joan Mary: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1993.
The History of the Lumber Industry in Oregon’s Douglas Fir Region: An Examination of Historic Architecture of Five Mill Towns
Reckard, Matthew: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1993.
The F.E. Company Industrial Site: Historic Resources and Preservation Potential
Skilton, David: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1993.
Considerations in the Preparation of a Historic Preservation Ordinance for Coburg, Oregon
Carter, Elizabeth J.: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1994.
The Crafstman Kitchen: Characteristic Elements and Rehabilitation Guidelines
Elliot, Sylvia Haines: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1994.
The Impact of Concession Operations on Heritage Resource Interpretation in the State Parks of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
Sutherland, Ross E.: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1994.
Developing a Proposed Historical Research Management Plan for Historic Oregon Furniture
Barnes, Jennifer Marie: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1995.
German Hill: Design Guidelines for the Enhancement of Plantation Houses on Kauai
Cook, Paula: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1995.
Defining Heritage Education Perspective for Oregon
Dennis, Michelle: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1995.
Gambling as a Tool for Funding Small Town Preservation: a Case Study of Deadwood, South Dakota
Josse, Lynn M.: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1995.
H.H. Richardson’s Isaac H. Lionberger House: Context and Assessment
Link, Karin Murr: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1995; M.Architecture, 1992.
Guastavino Tile Construction: History and Restoration
Smith, Jonathan Vines: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1995.
From Futurama to Main Street U.S.A.: Architectural Revivalism, Neo-Traditionalism, and Historic Preservation in a Contemporary Suburban Landscape
Catlin-Calpo, Janice A.: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1996.
Historic California Railroad Stations: Evaluation and Treatment Guidelines for Historic Preservation
Seaton, Anne: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1996.
Historic Structures Report: Lone Pine Indian Shaker Village, a Nineteenth Century Fishing Settlement in The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
Yarbrough, Edward: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1996.
Church Architecture in the Calumet-Laurium Settlement Area, Michigan: A Study of Ethno-Religious Forms, Regional Building Materials, Social History, and Preservation Issues
Berg, Erin Hanafin: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1997.
Post-World War II Basement Houses in Canton, South Dakota: Historic Significance from the Ground Down
Blashfield, Steven P.: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1997.
A Predictive Model for Identification of Historic Commercial Structures Under High Risk for Demolition in Portland, Oregon
Ossa, Rebecca R.: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1997.
Southern Pacific’s Eugene Yard: A Survey and Evaluation of Preservation Opportunities for a Historic Rail Yard and its Architecture
Bleekman, George: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1998.
The Aubrey Watzek House: A Restoration and Maintenance Plan
Brindley, Maia C.: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1998; M.S. Architecture, 2000.
Fantasy Preserved: Three Movie Palaces in Oregon
Curran, Christine Ann: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1998.
A Historic Context for the Transmission of Hydroelectricity by the Bonneville Power Administration, 1939-1945
Falsetto, Paul M.: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1998; MArch.
International Modernism and the Perception of Historic Significance
Meacham, Matthew Andy: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1998.
Sustaining Cultural Contexts in the Cascadia Bioregion: Applying the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic Preservation to Processes
Rebeyrol, Alain Michel: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1998.
Meeting the Goals of Historic Preservation in a Small Community: An Alternate Approach. Cottage Grove, Oregon, a Case Study
Wilson, Richa Leann: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1998.
The Rotchev House, Fort Ross, California: A Historic Structure Report
Brush, Jean Ann: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1999.
Linking Historic Preservation with Growth Management: A Case Study of the King’s Hill Historic District in Portland, Oregon
Heald, Leslie: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1999.
History and Preservation of Stained Glass in the Pacific Northwest: The Povey Bros. Glass Co. of Portland, Oregon
Hurley, Mariannne Rapalus: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1999.
Preservation Issues Related to Three California Churches Designed by Ernest A. Coxhead
McMurry, Alex: M.S. Historic Preservation, 1999.
Oregon Caves Chateau, Oregon Caves National Monument, Historic Structure Report