Eugene Courses
Summer 2024 |Fall 2024 | Winter 2025 | Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 | Previous Courses
Summer 2024
Architecture Courses
ARCH 410/510 | Bldg Info Model Revit (Katalin Czégé ) (Synchronous Online) Early Summer 8-Week Course 6/24-8/18 |
ARCH 610 | Global Modern Architecture (TBA) Late Summer Class 7/22-9/15 Available for all grad students based on seats. |
ARCH 611 | Grad Design Process (TBA) Late Summer Class 7/22-9/15 |
Architecture Studios
ARCH 680 | Intro to Grad Design (TBA) Late Summer 8-Week Studio 7/22-9/15 |
LA 408/508 | Wrk Overlook Studio Fuller Studio: Reclamation (Ignacio López Busón, Mary Polites ) Early Summer 6-Week Studio 6/24-7/28 Counts toward one studio outside of your major. Contact instructors if interested. |
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design A Taste of Mount Hood (Merike Mighell) Late Summer 8-Week Studio 7/22-9/15 Substitutes for a required Interior Architecture Studio. |
Fall 2024
Architecture Courses
ARCH 201 | Introduction to Architecture (Givens, Jim) |
ARCH 406/606 | Sp Pr Electric Light (Cory Olsen) Advanced Technology if taken with IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting |
ARCH 407/507 | Spatial Justice Seminar Participatory Methods (Malu Borja) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Architecture of Wellbeing (Ihab Elzeyadi) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Olympics LA28! (Julie Eizenberg) |
ARCH 409/609 | Practicum Off-Campus Experience (Karen Williams) |
AAAP 410/510 | Adaptive Reuse (Charles Belfoure) |
ARCH 410/510 | Design Ecology (Erin Moore) Advanced Technology |
ARCH 410/510 | Digital Fabrication Tools and Processes (Mary Polites) Advanced Technology |
ARCH 423/523 | Top Media for Design Forms and Processes for Resilience (Nancy Cheng) |
ARCH 423/523 | Top Media for Design Development Interior Imagemaking Techniques (Katerina Koerber) |
ARCH 425/525 | Building Information Modeling Systems (Abe Kelso) Newly Added |
ARCH 438/538 | Housing Prototypes (Clay Neal) |
ARCH 450/550 | Spatial Composition (Nico Larco and Esther Hagenlocher) |
ARCH 461/561 | Structural Behavior (Modupe Akinnuoye) Note: This class begins one week before the first day of Fall classes. Dual Location Eugene and Portland A condensed preparation course will meet mtwrf 9:00 AM-10:50 AM Break 5:00 PM – 6:50 PM during zero week |
ARCH 470/570 | Building Construction (Tom Hahn) |
ARCH 471/571 | Building Enclosure (John Rowell and Mark Fretz ) Dual Location Eugene and Portland |
ARCH 480/580 | Supervised Design Teaching (Jim Givens) |
ARCH 620 | Research Methods of Sustainable Design Dylan Wood |
ARCH 633 | Fundamentals of Sustainable Design (Meets Requirements for Track II Seminar/Eugene (Alison Kwok) Advanced Technology |
ARCH 610 | Intro Arch Computing (Philip Speranza) |
Interior Architecture Courses
IARC 204 | Understanding Contemporary Interiors (Kyuho Ahn) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development Interior Images Techniques (Katharina Körber) |
IARC 444/544 | Furniture: Theory and Analysis (Linda Zimmer) |
IARC 445/545 | Comprehensive Project Preparation (Linda Zimmer) |
IARC 475/575 | History Interior Architecture II (Mohammadzadeh Solmaz Kive) |
IARC 492/592 | Electric Lighting (Cory Olsen) Advanced Technology if taken with ARCH 405/605 /Sp Pro Electric Lighting |
Approved for Architectural/Interior Architecture History Courses
Taking any of these courses will satisfy degree program requirements for elective Architectural/Interior Architectural History.
ARH 314 | Hist of World Architecture I (Hutterer, M) |
ARH 421/521 | Top Cult Inter Gk/Rom (Seaman, K) |
ARH 462/562 | Modern Architecture (Eggener, K) |
IARC 475/575 | History Interior Architecture II (Mohammadzadeh Solmaz Kive) |
LA 474/574 | Hist Landscape Arch I (Mark Eischeid) |
Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios
ARCH 383 | Architectural Design III (TBA) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
ARCH 681 | Intro Graduate Design (Philip Speranza) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
ARCH 681 | Intro Graduate Design (Erin Moore) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
ARCH 683 | Arch Design Track II Architecture of the Sustainable City: The PNW Athenaeum (Michael Zaretsky) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
ARCH 683 | Arch Design Track II Architecture of the Sustainable City: The PNW Athenaeum (Stephen Duff) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
Architecture Intermediate Design Studios
ARCH 484 | Architectural Design III Ecological Housing Design (Christina Bollo) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
ARCH 484 | Architectural Design III Portland Highland District (Sebastian Guivernau) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
ARCH 484 | Architectural Design III #_a_motely_archive (Youngtack Oh) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
ARCH 484 | Architectural Design III Kingspan 2024/25 Microhome Competition Competition Brief (Mary Polites)) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
ARCH 484 | Architectural Design III Library + ? (Daisy Williams) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
ARCH 484/584 | Architectural Design III Mass Timber Design (Judith Sheine) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
ARCH 484/584 | Architectural Design III The NASA Studio (Mark Gillem) Pre-Preferencing Application Soon to Come |
ARCH 484/584 | Architectural Design III Timber Techtonics in the Digital Age (Nancy Cheng) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
ARCH 484/584 | Architectural Design III Resiliency Arising (Tom Hahn) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
ARCH 484/584 | Architectural Design III Olympics LA28! (Clay Neal and Julie Eizenberg) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios
IARC 484/584 | Interior Design Public Living Room and Service Hub (Solmaz Kive) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration |
IARC 684 | Interior Design Ed Roberts Collaboratives (Kyuho Ahn) Register for PHANTOM 484/584 studio during priority registration |
IARC 486/586 | Furniture Design A Single Sheet (Cory Olsen)Register for PHANTOM IARC 484/584 studio during priority registration |
Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Winter/Spring 2025
Eugene Terminal Studio Presentations Winter 25/Spring 25
- DATE: Monday September 16, 2024
- TIME: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- Join Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID: 667 150 2176
- Eugene Qualtrics Terminal Studio Preferencing Survey due Monday, September 23rd, 2024 by noon.
Recording is here. Passcode: X^cpsRi6
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design I FUTURE CLIMATE FBX; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Design Ecology (Erin Moore) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design I EMMA LAZARUS HOUSE: A Center for Immigrants and New Yorkers; Presentation; Fall Seminar Sem EMMA LAZARUS HOUSE: A CENTER FOR IMMIGRANTS AND NEW YORKERS (Howard Davis) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design I Collaborative Communities; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Spatial Justice Participatory Methods (Malu Borja Lopez) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design I Healing Architecture: The Burns Paiute Wellness Center; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Architecture of Wellbeing (Ihab Elzeyadi) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design Wood Studio: Wood Morphologies and Design Research for Effective and Ecological Adaptive Reuse; PowerPoint; Fall Course Research Methods of Sustainable Design or Undergraduate Individualized Study (inquire) (Dylan Wood) |
Winter 2025
Architecture Courses
ARCH 202 | Design Skills (Daisy Williams) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Spatial Justice TBA (YT Oh) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Refugee Settlements Urgent Decisions, Lasting Impact (Nancy Cheng) |
ARCH 410/510 | Fine-Grained Urbanism 2 or 3 credits (Philip Speranza) Will count for ARCH 423/523 |
ARCH 417/517 | Context Arch Profession (TBA) Dual Location |
ARCH 423/523 | Top Media for Design Development Design Process Media: From Concept to Building (Jim Givens) |
ARCH 423/523 | TBA (TBA) |
ARCH 425/525 | Building Information Modeling (Abe Kelso) |
ARCH 440/540 | Human Context of Design (Christina Bollo) Dual Location |
ARCH 462/562 | Structural Design (Modupe Akinnuoye) Dual Location |
ARCH 473/573 | Advanced Mass Timber Design (Uli Dengel) Advanced Technology |
ARCH 476/576 | Residential Detailing: Sustainable, Affordable Housing (Clay Neal) Advanced Technology |
ARCH 480/580 | Superv Design Teaching Assistants for ARCH 283 Studios (TBA) |
ARCH 491/591 | Environmental Control Systems I (Tom Hahn) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Collaborative Design (Malu Borja Lopez) |
Interior Architecture Courses
IARC 407/507 | Sem Hostile Architecture (Solmaz Kive) Counts for IARC Art History Modern Elective | |
IARC 471/571 | Interior Construction Elements (Cory Olsen) |
Interior Architecture Studios
IARC 484/584 | Interior Design Building Beyond Categories – Transformable Collective Living (Katherina Koerber) |
IARC 484/584 | Interior Design Studio NOLA Rethink (Linda Zimmer) |
IARC 486/586 | Furniture Design Studio TBA (Cory Olsen) |
IARC 488/588 | IARC Comprehensive Studio TBA (Kyuho Ahn) |
Architecture Introductory Studios
ARCH 283 | Arch Design I TBA (TBA) |
ARCH 682 | Intro Graduate Arch Design TBA (TBA) |
Architecture Intermediate Studios
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design A Design for a Frank Lloyd Wright Visitors’ Center (James Tice) |
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design Design Urban Housing: Work/Live (Virginia Cartwright) |
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design third party (YT Oh) |
ARCH484/584 | Arch Design The Craft of Design: A Winery in the Dundee Hills of Oregon (Stephen Duff) |
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design Vision for Gresham: Heart of the Urban Edge (Nancy Cheng) |
Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Winter/Spring 2024
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design I FUTURE CLIMATE FBX; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Design Ecology (Erin Moore) | |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design I EMMA LAZARUS HOUSE: A Center for Immigrants and New Yorkers; Presentation; Fall Seminar Sem EMMA LAZARUS HOUSE: A CENTER FOR IMMIGRANTS AND NEW YORKERS (Howard Davis) | |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design I Collaborative Communities; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Spatial Justice Participatory Methods (Malu Borja Lopez) | |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design I Healing Architecture: The Burns Paiute Wellness Center; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Architecture of Wellbeing (Ihab Elzeyadi) | |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design Wood Studio: Wood Morphologies and Design Research for Effective and Ecological Adaptive Reuse; PowerPoint; Fall Course Research Methods of Sustainable Design or Undergraduate Individualized Study (inquire) (Dylan Wood) |
Art History Courses
ARH 315 | History of World Architecture II (Eggener, K) Arch History Renaissance, Modern |
ARH 322 | Ancient Greek Art & Architecture (Seaman, K) Arch History Ancient |
ARH 358 | History of Design (Ciglia, S) Arch History Modern |
ARH 407/507 | Sem Hostile Architecture (Kive, Solmaz) ARCH/IARC History Elective Modern |
ARH 407/507 | Sem Arch Expanded Field (Scott, E) Arch History Modern |
ARH 425 | Top Gaming Med Art (Hutterer, M) Arch History Ancient |
ARH 457/557 | Top Ven Biennale (Mondlock, K) Arch History Modern |
LA 475/575 | History of Landscape Architecture II (L Matthews) Arch History Modern |
Spring 2025
Architecture and Interior Architecture Courses
ARCH 222 | Intro to Arch Comp Graphics (Mary Polites) |
ARCH 405/605 | Sp Pr Daylighting (Siobhan Rockcastle) Extra 1 credit counts toward Adv Tech if taken with ARCH 495/595 |
ARCH 406/606 | Prac Univ Teaching (Ihab Elzeyadi) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Spatial Justice (YT Oh, MariaLuisa Borja Lopez) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Urban Housing (Mark Gillem) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem WELL Building for Housing and Beyond (Christina Bollo) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Sustain Housing (Mark Gillem) |
ARCH 409/609 | Prac off Campus Exper (Karen Williams) |
ARCH 410/510 | TBA (TBA) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development TBA (Daisy Williams) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development TBA (Will Smith) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development Watercolor (Jim Tice) |
ARCH 430/530 | Architectural Contexts: Place and Culture (Howard Davis) |
ARCH 435/535 | Principles of Urban Design (Gerry Gast) |
ARCH 472/572 | Top Natural Bldg Sys (Tom Hahn) Advanced Technology |
ARCH 480/580 | Superv Design Teaching (Daisy Williams) |
ARCH 492/592 | Environmental Control Systems II (Ihab Elzeyadi) |
ARCH 495/595 | Daylighting (Siobhan Rockcastle) Advanced Technology if take with ARCH 405/605 1 credit class |
ARCH 496/596 | Passive House Design and Details (Alison Kwok) Advanced Technology |
Interior Architecture Courses
IARCH 407/507 | Sem Furniturisation (Linda Zimmer) |
IARC 447/547 | Color Theory (Esther Hagenlocher) |
IARC 472/572 | Interior Finishes and Design Application (Leah Fuller) |
IARC 476/576 | History of Interior Architecture III (Solmaz Mohammadzadeh Kive) |
IARC 447/547 | Color Theory (Esther Hagenlocher) |
IARC 472/572 | Interior Finishes and Design Application (Leah Fuller) |
IARC 476/576 | History of Interior Architecture III (Kive, Solmaz Mohammadzadeh) |
Approved for Architectural History Courses
ARH 322 | Ancient Greek Art & Arch (Kris Seaman) |
ARH 358 | History of Design (Simone Ciglia) |
Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios
ARCH 284 | Architectural Design II (D Williams, Solmaz Mohammadzadeh Kive, Abe Kelso, YT Oh, TBA)) |
ARCH 384 | Architectural Design IV (Nancy Cheng, Clay Neal, Hansjuerg Minder, Tom Hahn, Virginia Cartwright) |
Architecture Intermediate Design Studios (Register for ARCH PHANTOM Studio during Initial Registration)
ARCH 484/584 | Architectural Design (Mark Fretz) |
ARCH 484/584 | Architectural Design TBA (Uli Dangel) |
ARCH 484/584 | Architectural Design TBA (Stephen Duff) |
ARCH 484/584 | Architectural Design TBA (John Rowell) |
Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios (Register for IARC PHANTOM Studio during Initial Registration)
IARC 484/584 | Interior Design TBA (Katherina Koerber, Cory Olsen) |
IARC 487/587 | Working Drawings Title TBA (Abe Kelso) |
Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Spring 2025
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Architecture Design II FUTURE CLIMATE FBX; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Design Ecology (Erin Moore) |
ARCH 486/586 | AAdv Architecture Design II EMMA LAZARUS HOUSE: A Center for Immigrants and New Yorkers; Presentation; Fall Seminar Sem EMMA LAZARUS HOUSE: A CENTER FOR IMMIGRANTS AND NEW YORKERS (Howard Davis) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Architecture Design II Collaborative Communities; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Spatial Justice Participatory Methods (Malu Borja Lopez) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Architecture Design II Healing Architecture: The Burns Paiute Wellness Center; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Architecture of Wellbeing (Ihab Elzeyadi) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Architecture Design II Wood Studio: Wood Morphologies and Design Research for Effective and Ecological Adaptive Reuse; PowerPoint; Fall Course Research Methods of Sustainable Design or Undergraduate Individualized Study (inquire) (Dylan Wood) |
Design Interior Architecture Comprehensive Studio
IARC 489/589 | Interior Design Comprehensive Project II (Kyu-Ho Ahn) |
Summer 2025
Architecture Courses
ARCH XXX/XXX | Title (TBA) |
ARCH XXX/XXX | Title (TBA) |
Architecture Studios
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design (TBA) |
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design (TBA) |