Eugene Courses

Summer 2024 |Fall 2024 | Winter 2025 | Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 | Previous Courses

Summer 2024

Architecture Courses

ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (Katalin Czégé ) (Synchronous Online) Early Summer 8-Week Course 6/24-8/18
ARCH 610 Global Modern Architecture (TBA) Late Summer Class 7/22-9/15 Available for all grad students based on seats.
ARCH 611 Grad Design Process (TBA) Late Summer Class 7/22-9/15

Architecture Studios

ARCH 680 Intro to Grad Design (TBA) Late Summer 8-Week Studio 7/22-9/15
LA 408/508 Wrk Overlook Studio Fuller Studio: Reclamation (Ignacio López Busón, Mary Polites ) Early Summer 6-Week Studio 6/24-7/28 Counts toward one studio outside of your major. Contact instructors if interested.
ARCH 484/584  Arch Design A Taste of Mount Hood  (Merike Mighell) Late Summer 8-Week Studio 7/22-9/15 Substitutes for a required Interior Architecture Studio.

Fall 2024

Architecture Courses

ARCH 201 Introduction to Architecture (Givens, Jim)
ARCH 406/606 Sp Pr Electric Light (Cory Olsen) Advanced Technology if taken with IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting
ARCH 407/507 Spatial Justice Seminar Participatory Methods (Malu Borja)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Architecture of Wellbeing (Ihab Elzeyadi)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Olympics LA28! (Julie Eizenberg)
ARCH 409/609 Practicum Off-Campus Experience  (Karen Williams)
AAAP 410/510 Adaptive Reuse (Charles Belfoure)
ARCH 410/510 Design Ecology (Erin Moore) Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Digital Fabrication Tools and Processes (Mary Polites) Advanced Technology
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Forms and Processes for Resilience (Nancy Cheng)
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Development Interior Imagemaking Techniques  (Katerina Koerber)
ARCH 425/525 Building Information Modeling Systems (Abe Kelso) Newly Added
ARCH 438/538 Housing Prototypes (Clay Neal)
ARCH 450/550 Spatial Composition (Nico Larco and Esther Hagenlocher)
ARCH 461/561 Structural Behavior (Modupe Akinnuoye)
Note: This class begins one week before the first day of Fall classes. Dual Location Eugene and Portland
A condensed preparation course will meet mtwrf 9:00 AM-10:50 AM Break 5:00 PM – 6:50 PM during zero week
ARCH 470/570 Building Construction (Tom Hahn)
ARCH 471/571 Building Enclosure (John Rowell and Mark Fretz ) Dual Location Eugene and Portland
ARCH 480/580 Supervised Design Teaching (Jim Givens)
ARCH 620 Research Methods of Sustainable Design Dylan Wood
ARCH 633 Fundamentals of Sustainable Design (Meets Requirements for Track II Seminar/Eugene (Alison Kwok) Advanced Technology
ARCH 610 Intro Arch Computing (Philip Speranza)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 204 Understanding Contemporary Interiors (Kyuho Ahn)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Interior Images Techniques (Katharina Körber)
IARC 444/544 Furniture: Theory and Analysis (Linda Zimmer)
IARC 445/545 Comprehensive Project Preparation (Linda Zimmer)
IARC 475/575 History Interior Architecture II (Mohammadzadeh Solmaz Kive)
IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting (Cory Olsen) Advanced Technology if taken with ARCH 405/605 /Sp Pro Electric Lighting

Approved for Architectural/Interior Architecture History Courses

ARH Course Brochure

Taking any of these courses will satisfy degree program requirements for elective Architectural/Interior Architectural History.

ARH 314 Hist of World Architecture I (Hutterer, M)
ARH 421/521 Top Cult Inter Gk/Rom (Seaman, K)
ARH 462/562 Modern Architecture (Eggener, K)
IARC 475/575 History Interior Architecture II (Mohammadzadeh Solmaz Kive)
LA 474/574 Hist Landscape Arch I  (Mark Eischeid)

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 383 Architectural Design III (TBA) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 681 Intro Graduate Design (Philip Speranza) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 681 Intro Graduate Design (Erin Moore) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II  Architecture of the Sustainable City: The PNW Athenaeum (Michael Zaretsky) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II  Architecture of the Sustainable City: The PNW Athenaeum (Stephen Duff) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios

ARCH 484 Architectural Design III Ecological Housing Design (Christina Bollo) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484 Architectural Design III Portland Highland District (Sebastian Guivernau) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484 Architectural Design III #_a_motely_archive (Youngtack Oh) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484 Architectural Design III Kingspan 2024/25 Microhome Competition Competition Brief (Mary Polites)) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484 Architectural Design III Library + ? (Daisy Williams) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design III Mass Timber  Design (Judith Sheine) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design III The NASA Studio (Mark Gillem) Pre-Preferencing Application Soon to Come
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design III Timber Techtonics in the Digital Age (Nancy Cheng) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design III Resiliency Arising (Tom Hahn) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design III Olympics LA28! (Clay Neal and Julie Eizenberg) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios

IARC 484/584 Interior Design Public Living Room and Service Hub (Solmaz Kive) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
IARC 684 Interior Design Ed Roberts Collaboratives (Kyuho Ahn) Register for PHANTOM 484/584 studio during priority registration
IARC 486/586 Furniture Design A Single Sheet  (Cory Olsen)Register for PHANTOM IARC 484/584 studio during priority registration

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Winter/Spring 2025

Eugene Terminal Studio Presentations Winter 25/Spring 25

Recording is here. Passcode: X^cpsRi6

ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I FUTURE CLIMATE FBX; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Design Ecology (Erin Moore)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I EMMA LAZARUS HOUSE: A Center for Immigrants and New Yorkers; Presentation; Fall Seminar Sem EMMA LAZARUS HOUSE: A CENTER FOR IMMIGRANTS AND NEW YORKERS (Howard Davis)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Collaborative Communities; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Spatial Justice  Participatory Methods (Malu Borja Lopez)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Healing Architecture: The Burns Paiute Wellness Center; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Architecture of Wellbeing (Ihab Elzeyadi)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design Wood Studio: Wood Morphologies and Design Research for Effective and Ecological Adaptive Reuse; PowerPoint; Fall Course Research Methods of Sustainable Design or Undergraduate Individualized Study (inquire) (Dylan Wood)

Winter 2025

Architecture Courses

ARCH 202 Design Skills (Daisy Williams)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Spatial Justice TBA (YT Oh)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Refugee Settlements Urgent Decisions, Lasting Impact (Nancy Cheng)
ARCH 410/510 Fine-Grained Urbanism 2 or 3 credits (Philip Speranza) Will count for ARCH 423/523
ARCH 417/517 Context Arch Profession (TBA) Dual Location
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Development Design Process Media: From Concept to Building (Jim Givens)
ARCH 423/523 TBA (TBA)
ARCH 425/525 Building Information Modeling (Abe Kelso)
ARCH 440/540 Human Context of Design (Christina Bollo) Dual Location
ARCH 462/562 Structural Design (Modupe Akinnuoye) Dual Location
ARCH 473/573 Advanced Mass Timber Design (Uli Dengel) Advanced Technology
ARCH 476/576 Residential Detailing: Sustainable, Affordable Housing (Clay Neal) Advanced Technology
ARCH 480/580 Superv Design Teaching Assistants for ARCH 283 Studios (TBA)
ARCH 491/591 Environmental Control Systems I (Tom Hahn)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Collaborative Design (Malu Borja Lopez)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 407/507 Sem Hostile Architecture (Solmaz Kive) Counts for IARC Art History Modern Elective
IARC 471/571 Interior Construction Elements (Cory Olsen)

Interior Architecture Studios

IARC 484/584 Interior Design Building Beyond Categories –  Transformable Collective Living (Katherina Koerber)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design Studio NOLA Rethink (Linda Zimmer)
IARC 486/586 Furniture Design Studio TBA (Cory Olsen)
IARC 488/588 IARC Comprehensive Studio TBA (Kyuho Ahn)

Architecture Introductory Studios

ARCH 283 Arch Design I TBA (TBA)
ARCH 682 Intro Graduate Arch Design TBA (TBA)

Architecture Intermediate Studios

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design A Design for a Frank Lloyd Wright Visitors’ Center (James Tice)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Design Urban Housing: Work/Live (Virginia Cartwright)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design third party (YT Oh)
ARCH484/584 Arch Design The Craft of Design: A Winery in the Dundee Hills of Oregon (Stephen Duff)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Vision for Gresham: Heart of the Urban Edge (Nancy Cheng)

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Winter/Spring 2024

ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I FUTURE CLIMATE FBX; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Design Ecology (Erin Moore)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I EMMA LAZARUS HOUSE: A Center for Immigrants and New Yorkers; Presentation; Fall Seminar Sem EMMA LAZARUS HOUSE: A CENTER FOR IMMIGRANTS AND NEW YORKERS (Howard Davis)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Collaborative Communities; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Spatial Justice  Participatory Methods (Malu Borja Lopez)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Healing Architecture: The Burns Paiute Wellness Center; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Architecture of Wellbeing (Ihab Elzeyadi)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design Wood Studio: Wood Morphologies and Design Research for Effective and Ecological Adaptive Reuse; PowerPoint; Fall Course Research Methods of Sustainable Design or Undergraduate Individualized Study (inquire) (Dylan Wood)

Art History Courses

ARH 315 History of World Architecture II (Eggener, K) Arch History Renaissance, Modern
ARH 322 Ancient Greek Art & Architecture (Seaman, K) Arch History Ancient
ARH 358 History of Design (Ciglia, S) Arch History Modern
ARH 407/507 Sem Hostile Architecture (Kive, Solmaz) ARCH/IARC History Elective Modern
ARH 407/507 Sem Arch Expanded Field (Scott, E) Arch History Modern
ARH 425 Top Gaming Med Art (Hutterer, M) Arch History Ancient
ARH 457/557 Top Ven Biennale (Mondlock, K) Arch History Modern
LA 475/575 History of Landscape Architecture II (L Matthews) Arch History Modern

Spring 2025

Architecture and Interior Architecture Courses

ARCH 222 Intro to Arch Comp Graphics (Mary Polites)
ARCH 405/605 Sp Pr Daylighting (Siobhan Rockcastle) Extra 1 credit counts toward Adv Tech if taken with ARCH 495/595
ARCH 406/606 Prac Univ Teaching (Ihab Elzeyadi)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Spatial Justice (YT Oh, MariaLuisa Borja Lopez)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Urban Housing (Mark Gillem)
ARCH 407/507 Sem WELL Building for Housing and Beyond (Christina Bollo)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Sustain Housing (Mark Gillem)
ARCH 409/609 Prac off Campus Exper (Karen Williams)
ARCH 410/510 TBA (TBA)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development TBA (Daisy Williams)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development TBA (Will Smith)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Watercolor (Jim Tice)
ARCH 430/530 Architectural Contexts: Place and Culture (Howard Davis)
ARCH 435/535 Principles of Urban Design (Gerry Gast)
ARCH 472/572 Top Natural Bldg Sys (Tom Hahn) Advanced Technology
ARCH 480/580 Superv Design Teaching (Daisy Williams)
ARCH 492/592 Environmental Control Systems II (Ihab Elzeyadi)
ARCH 495/595 Daylighting  (Siobhan Rockcastle) Advanced Technology if take with ARCH 405/605 1 credit class
ARCH 496/596 Passive House Design and Details (Alison Kwok) Advanced Technology

Interior Architecture Courses

IARCH 407/507 Sem Furniturisation (Linda Zimmer)
IARC 447/547 Color Theory (Esther Hagenlocher)
IARC 472/572 Interior Finishes and Design Application (Leah Fuller)
IARC 476/576 History of Interior Architecture III (Solmaz Mohammadzadeh Kive)
IARC 447/547 Color Theory (Esther Hagenlocher)
IARC 472/572 Interior Finishes and Design Application (Leah Fuller)
IARC 476/576 History of Interior Architecture III (Kive, Solmaz Mohammadzadeh)

Approved for Architectural History Courses

ARH 322 Ancient Greek Art & Arch (Kris Seaman)
ARH 358 History of Design (Simone Ciglia)

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 284 Architectural Design II (D Williams, Solmaz Mohammadzadeh Kive, Abe Kelso, YT Oh, TBA))
ARCH 384 Architectural Design IV  (Nancy Cheng, Clay Neal, Hansjuerg Minder, Tom Hahn, Virginia Cartwright)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios (Register for ARCH PHANTOM Studio during Initial Registration)

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design (Mark Fretz)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design TBA (Uli Dangel)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design TBA (Stephen Duff)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design TBA (John Rowell)

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios (Register for IARC PHANTOM Studio during Initial Registration)

IARC 484/584 Interior Design TBA (Katherina Koerber, Cory Olsen)
IARC 487/587 Working Drawings  Title TBA (Abe Kelso)

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Spring 2025

ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II FUTURE CLIMATE FBX; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Design Ecology (Erin Moore)
ARCH 486/586 AAdv Architecture Design II EMMA LAZARUS HOUSE: A Center for Immigrants and New Yorkers; Presentation; Fall Seminar Sem EMMA LAZARUS HOUSE: A CENTER FOR IMMIGRANTS AND NEW YORKERS (Howard Davis)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II Collaborative Communities; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Spatial Justice  Participatory Methods (Malu Borja Lopez)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II Healing Architecture: The Burns Paiute Wellness Center; PowerPoint; Fall Seminar Architecture of Wellbeing (Ihab Elzeyadi)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II Wood Studio: Wood Morphologies and Design Research for Effective and Ecological Adaptive Reuse; PowerPoint; Fall Course Research Methods of Sustainable Design or Undergraduate Individualized Study (inquire) (Dylan Wood)

Design Interior Architecture Comprehensive Studio

IARC 489/589 Interior Design Comprehensive Project II (Kyu-Ho Ahn)

Summer 2025

Architecture Courses


Architecture Studios

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design (TBA)
ARCH 484/584  Arch Design (TBA)