Previous Portland Courses
Fall 2023 |Winter 2024|Spring 2024|Previous Courses
Fall 2023
Architecture Courses
ARCH 607 | Track II Pdx ARCH Seminar on Urban Research & Climate Action (Justin Fowler) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Housing (Jean von Bargen Root and Michael Willis) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Environmentalism and Sustainable Architecture in Oregon (William Smith) Also a terminal studio prep* |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Urban Violence Lab (Elisandra Garcia-Gonzales) Also a terminal studio prep* |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Learning Cities (Gerry Gast) Also a terminal studio prep* |
ARCH 408/508 | Wrk Adv Design AI (Justin Fowler & Nico Larco) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development Hyper-Resolutions (Megan York) |
ARCH 461/561 | Structural Behavior (Stephen Duff) Dual Location |
ARCH 471/571 | Building Enclosure (John Rowell and Mark Fretz) Dual Location |
Architecture Studio Course Descriptions
ARCH 484/584 | Architectural Design Monolith Urbanism (Daniel Toole and Luke Anderson) |
ARCH 484/584 | Architectural Design Mad Libs (Annie Kwon and John Szot) |
ARCH 683 | Grad Architectural Design: Track II (Justin Fowler) |
Terminal Design Studios Winter 2024/Spring 2024
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Arch Design: Course Description Learning Cities: Linking Urban Design and Architecture with Education (Gerald Gast) PowerPoint Slides |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Arch Design: Urban Violence Laboratory PowerPoint Slides (Elisandra Garcia-Gonzales) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Arch Design: Course Description Parallel Environmentalism PowerPoint (William Smith) |
Winter 2024
Architecture Courses
ARCH 408/508 | Wrk Advanced Design: AI (Nico Larco) |
AAAP 410/510 | Preservation Economics and Real Estate Development (Ian Carlton) |
Historic American Building Survey (Timothy Penich and Becky Wong from Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc) | |
AAAP 410/510 | Preservation Practice: Building Preservation Plans (Carin Carlson and David Wark from Hennerbery Eddy) |
ARCH 410/510 | Architects in the Schools (S Meier) |
ARCH 410/510 | Urbanism Next Future Cites (Nico Larco) Dual Location |
ARCH 417/517 | Context of the Arch Profession (Karen Williams) Dual Location |
ARCH 435/535 | Principles of Urban Design (Gerry Gast) Dual Location from Portland |
ARCH 440/540 | Human Context of Design (Mark Gillem)Dual Location |
ARCH 462/562 | Structural Design (Mark Donofrio) Dual Location |
LA 459/559 | Synthetic Landscapes (Geffel, Michael) Portland location |
Intermediate Design Studio
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design (Kwon and Szot) |
Terminal Design Studios Winter 2024
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Arch Design: Course Description Learning Cities: Linking Urban Design and Architecture with Education (Gerald Gast) PowerPoint Slides |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Arch Design: Urban Violence Laboratory PowerPoint Slides (Elisandra Garcia-Gonzales) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Arch Design: Course Description Parallel Environmentalism PowerPoint (William Smith) |
Spring 2024
Architecture Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Sustainable Urbanism (Nico Larco) Dual Location; in-person in Portland |
AAAP 410/510 | Adaptive Reuse (Brian Emerick) |
AAAP 410/510 | Cultural Landscapes II (Laurie Matthews) |
ARCH 410/510 | Advanced Mass Timber Architecture (Timothy Cooke) Advanced Technology |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development (Michael Geffel) |
ARCH 437/537 | Theory of Urban Design (Justin Fowler) ARCH History |
Architecture Intermediate Design Studios –
ARCH 484/584 | Architectural Design (Nico Larco) |
Terminal Design Studios Spring 2024
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Arch Design: Course Description Learning Cities: Linking Urban Design and Architecture with Education (Gerald Gast) PowerPoint Slides |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Arch Design: Urban Violence Laboratory PowerPoint Slides (Elisandra Garcia-Gonzales) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Arch Design: Course Description Parallel Environmentalism PowerPoint (William Smith) |
(Also see AAAP Historic Preservation Course Descriptions)
Fall 2022 |Winter 2023|Spring 2023
Fall 2022
Architecture Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Infill Experiments (Clayton Taylor) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Linking Architecture and Education (Gast, Gerry)* |
ARCH 407/507 | Urban Violence Lab (Elisandra Garcia)* |
ARCH 407/507 | Advanced Design Workshop: Critical Theory, Art and Architecture (Annie Kwon and John Szot) * |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development Parametric Design (Cheng, Nancy) |
ARCH 461/561 | Structural Behavior REMOTE (Duff, Stephen) Note: Note: This class begins one week before the first day of Fall classes. Dual Location Portland and Eugene A condensed preparation course will meet MTWRF 10:00 AM-11:50 AM Break 4:00 PM – 5:50 PM |
ARCH 471/571 | Building Enclosure (Rowell, John & Martin Houston) Dual Location Portland and Eugene |
ARCH 607 | Sem/Track II PDX Architecture Seminar on Urban Research and Climate Action (Fowler, Justin) |
*Note: Terminal Seminar Times have been adjusted so that all students can take any/all of them. Terminal Studio Preferencing Results may affect registration decision, as they are required for the studio.
Architecture Introductory Design Studios
ARCH 683 | Arch Design Track II (Elisandra Garcia) |
Architecture Intermediate Design Studios –
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design Timber Techtonics in the Digital Age (Cheng, Nancy) |
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design “The All Wood Building”: New Approaches to Timber Design and Construction (Team from Waechter Architecture (Ben Waechter, Judson Moore, Alexis Coir, William Smith) |
Winter 2023
Architecture Classes
ARCH 408/508 | Wrk Advanced Design Process and Narrative (Garcia-Gonzales, Elisandra) |
ARCH 410/510 | Architects in the Schools (S Meier) |
ARCH 410/510 | Bldg Info Model Revit (M Polites) Dual Location |
ARCH 410/510 | Design the Unseen (M Fretz) |
ARCH 417/517 | Context of the Arch Profession (John Rowell & Karen Williams) Dual Location |
ARCH 435/535 | Principles of Urban Design Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Practice (Gerry Gast) Dual Location |
ARCH 440/540 | Human Context of Design (Mark Gillem) Dual Location |
ARCH 462/562 | Structural Design (TBA) Dual Location |
ARCH xxx/xxx | Title (TBA) |
Architecture Design Studios
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design (Justin Fowler) |
Terminal Design Studios Winter 2023
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Arch Design: Linking Architecture to Learning and Education (Gerald Gast) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Arch Design: Urban Violence Laboratory (Elisandra Garcia) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Arch Design: big & tall studio (Annie Kwon and John Szot) |
Spring 2023
Architecture Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Sustainable Urbanism (Larco, Nico) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development Re-Interpretations (Garcia, Elisandra) |
ARCH 437/537 | Theory and History of Urban Design II (Fowler, Justin) |
ARCH 4/593M | Passive Cooling (Rempel, Alexandra) Dual Location |
ARCH 492/592 | Environmental Control Systems II (Elzeyadi, Ihab) Dual Location |
ARCH xxx/xxx | Title (TBA) |
ARCH xxx/xxx | Title (TBA) |
Architecture Design Studios
ARCH 484/854 | Arch Design (Larco, Nico) |
Terminal Design Studios Spring 2023
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Arch Design: Linking Architecture to Learning and Education (Gerald Gast) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Arch Design: Urban Violence Laboratory (Elisandra Garcia) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Arch Design: big & tall studio (Annie Kwon and John Szot) |
(Also see AAAP Historic Preservation Course Descriptions)
Fall 2021 |Winter 2022|Spring 2022
Fall 2021
Architecture Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Terminal Prep Learning Cities: Next Generation Urban Education (Gast, Gerry) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Terminal Prep Urban Violence Laboratory (Garcia-Gonzalez, Elisandra) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Terminal Prep Adv Arch Design I Title: Housing Can Be __________ (Otte, Dave & Strand, Renee) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Design the Unseen (Fretz, Mark) |
ARCH 408/508 | Wrk Adv Design Micro (Fowler, Justin) |
ARCH 461/561 | Structural Behavior REMOTE (Duff, Stephen) Note: This class begins one week before the first day of Fall classes. A condensed preparation course will meet mtwrf 10:00 AM-11:50 AM Break 4:00 PM – 5:50 PM 9/20 – 9/24/2021 |
ARCH 607 | Sem/Track II Pdx Architecture Seminar on Urban Research and Climate Action (Fowler, Justin) |
Architecture Introductory Design Studios
ARCH 683 | Arch Design Track II (Garcia-Gonzalez, Elisandra) |
Architecture Intermediate Design Studios
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design Reclaiming Infrastructure: Spaces for Public Use (Bonilla Huaroc, Carla) |
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design Design Ecology: Systems Thinking in Residential Architecture (Great, Michael and Ramin Rezvani) |
Winter 2022
Architecture Classes
ARCH 410/510 | Architects in the Schools (Meier, Sina) |
ARCH 410/510 | Bldg Info Model Revit Data Informed Design Integration (Speranza, Philip)- Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland |
ARCH 410/510 | Urbanism Next: Future Cities (Larco, Nico) – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland |
ARCH 435/535 | Principles of Urban Design (Gast, Gerry) |
ARCH 417/517 | Context of the Profession (Portland and Eugene) (Williams, Karen & Linda Czopek) – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland |
ARCH 440/540 | Human Context (Gillem, Mark & Siobhan Rockcastle) – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland |
ARCH 462/562 | Structural Design (Donofrio, Mark) – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland |
ARCH 494M-594M | Passive Heating Seminar (Rempel, Alexandra) Advanced Technology – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland |
Architecture Design Studios
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design (Fowler, Justin) |
Terminal Design Studios Winter 2022
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Arch Design Title: Learning Cities: Next Generation Urban Education Presentation PPT (Gast, Gerry) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Arch Design I Title: Urban Violence Laboratory Presentation & Fall Seminar PPT (Garcia-Gonzalez, Elisandra) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Arch Design I Title: Housing Can Be __________ Presentation & Fall Seminar PPT (Otte, Dave & Strand, Renee) |
Adv ARCH Terminal Studio Presentations
Spring 2022
Architecture Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Seminar Sustainable Urbanism (Larco, Nico) Dual Location Course |
ARCH 407/507 | Seminar Real Estate Development (Carlton, Ian) Dual Location Course |
ARCH 408/508 | Wrk Advanced Design Native Foods and Narrative (Garcia, Elisandra) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development (Smith, William) |
ARCH 430/530 | Architectural Contexts: Place and Culture (Davis, Howard and Juichi Satoh) Dual Location Course |
ARCH 437/537 | Theory and History of Urban Design II (Fowler, Justin) |
ARCH 4/594 M | Passive Cooling (Rempel, Alexandra) Dual Location Course |
ARCH xxx | Title (Instructor) |
Architecture Design Studios
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design (Larco, Nico) |
Terminal Design Studios Spring 2022
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Arch Design Title Course Description: Learning Cities: Next Generation Urban Education Presentation PPT (Gast, Gerry) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Arch Design I Title: Urban Violence Laboratory Presentation & Fall Seminar PPT (Garcia-Gonzalez, Elisandra) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Arch Design I Title: Housing Can Be __________ Presentation & Fall Seminar PPT (Otte, Dave & Strand, Renee) |
Academic Year 2020-21
Fall 2020 | Winter 2021 | Spring 2021
Fall 2020
Architecture Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Prep: Linking Education and Architecture (Gerry Gast) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Prep: EU-US International House (Hajo Neis) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Prep: Rebuilding Cornerstones (Craig Wilkins, Cleo Davis, Kayin Talton Davis) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Experimental Building Materials (Nina Maritz) Advanced Technology |
ARCH 423/523 | Drawing Machines: Top Media for Design Development (Leahy) |
ARCH 440/540 | Human Context of Design (Huggins) |
ARCH 491/591 | Environmental Control Systems I: The Living Building (Fretz) CANCELLED |
ARCH 607 | Track II: Portland Architecture Seminar on Urban Research and Climate Action (Justin Fowler) |
Intermediate Design Studio Fall 2020
ARCH 484/584 | Adv Architecture Design I (tba) |
Terminal Design Studios Winter and Spring 2021
Portland terminal studio presentations session Wednesday, Sept 9th from 11am-noon. Studio professors leading the three terminal options will each give brief talks about their studios for the first half hour and then we’ll have a general Q&A immediately following. Zoom link distributed to Pdx students.
ARCH 485/585 | Linking Education and Architecture Presentation (Gerry Gast) |
ARCH 485/585 | The EU-US International House Presentation (Hajo Neis) |
ARCH 485/585 | Rebuilding Cornerstones Presentation (Craig Wilkins, Cleo Davis, Kayin Talton Davis) |
Winter 2021
Architecture Courses
ARCH 408/508 | Advanced Design Workshop (Fowler, Justin) |
ARCH 410/510 | Architects in the Schools (Meier, Sina) |
ARCH 410/510 | Mass Timber (tba) |
ARCH 423/523 | Collaborative Events: MEDIA FOR DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (Leahy, John) |
ARCH 458/558 | Types & Typology (Neis, Hajo) |
ARCH 471/571 | Building Enclosure (Houston, M) |
Intermediate Design Studio Fall 2020
ARCH 484/584 | Adv Architecture Design I (Fowler, Justin) |
Terminal Design Studios Winter and Spring 2021
Portland terminal studio presentations session Wednesday, Sept 9th from 11am-noon. Studio professors leading the three terminal options will each give brief talks about their studios for the first half hour and then we’ll have a general Q&A immediately following. Zoom link distributed to Pdx students.
ARCH 485/585 | Linking Education and Architecture Presentation Course Description (Gerry Gast) |
ARCH 485/585 | The EU-US International House Presentation (Hajo Neis) |
ARCH 485/585 | Rebuilding Cornerstones Presentation (Craig Wilkins, Cleo Davis, Kayin Talton Davis) |
(Also see AAAP Historic Preservation Course Descriptions)
Spring 2021
Architecture Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Sustainable Urbanism (Larco, Nico) |
ARCH 417/517 | Context Arch Profession (Williams, Karen) |
ARCH 430/530 | Architecture Context Design Activism & Social Justice (Wilkins, Craig) |
ARCH 435/535 | Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Critical Practice (Gast, Gerry) |
ARCH 437/537 | Theory and History of Urban Design II (Fowler, Justin) |
ARCH 492/592 | Environmental Control Systems II (Petterson, Lisa) |
Intermediate Design Studio Fall 2020
ARCH 484/584 | Adv Architecture Design I (Larco, Nico) |
Terminal Design Studios Winter and Spring 2021
ARCH 485/585 | Linking Education and Architecture Presentation Course Description (Gerry Gast) |
ARCH 485/585 | The EU-US International House Presentation (Hajo Neis) |
ARCH 485/585 | Rebuilding Cornerstones Presentation (Craig Wilkins, Cleo Davis, Kayin Talton Davis) |
Academic Year 2019-20
Fall 2019 | Winter 2020 | Spring 2020 | Summer 2020
Fall 2019
Architecture Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Seminar Terminal Prep (Davis) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Design the Unseen (Fretz) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Devel (Leahy) |
ARCH 438/538 | Housing Prototypes (Fifield) |
ARCH 454/540 | Human Context of Des (Huggins) |
ARCH 461/561 | Structural Behavior (Papaefthimiou) |
ARCH 607 | Sem Track II/Portland |
Approved Architectural History Courses
AAAP 421/521 | Am Arch Presrv Pers I (Randl) ARCH History Modern |
Design Studios
ARCH 484/584 | Rebuilding Cornerstones: Toward Spatial Justice for Portland’s Black Diaspora (Karen Kubey, Cleo Davis and Kayin Talton Davis) |
ARCH 484/584 | Land Trust: Designing a community-owned and managed wetland and bird reserve in Koshi Tappu, Nepal (Priyanka Bista) |
Winter 2020
Architecture Courses
DSGN 410/510 | Universal Design for Healthy Aging: Mobility, Metrics and Memory Syllabus and Application and Course Description (Solowski, Fretz, Hagenlocher, Salter) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY |
ARCH 400M/500M | Spatial Justice Seminar (Wilkens) |
ARCH 410/510 | Architects in the Schools (Meier) |
ARCH 410/510 | Water Infrastructure: Decentralized Solutions for the Future (Grinnell) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY |
ARCH 410/510 | Urbanism Next (Larco) |
ARCH 423/523 | Med Dsgn Dev CAD/Revit Intro to BIM Modeling w Revit (Leahy) |
ARCH 458/558 | Types & Typology (Davis) ARCH History Modern |
ARCH 462/562 | Wood & Steel Building Systems (Papaefthimiou) |
LA 459/559 | Instant City: Old Town (Geffel) |
ARCH 471/571 | Building Enclosures (Houston) |
ARCH 601 | Urbanism Research (Larco) |
Approved Architectural History Courses
AAAP 422/522 | Am Arch Presrv Pers II (Cava) ARCH History Modern |
Design Studios
Terminal/Capstone Design StudiosSpring 2020Portland Subject Area CoursesPortland Intermediate StudioPortland Design Terminal StudiosSummer 2020
ARCH 484/584 | Adv Architecture Design I (Fowler) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design I Crossing the Border Presentation and Course Description Unchanged: Video (Davis) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design I Future Library Lab Presentation and Course Description Video (BORA) |
ARCH 485/585 | Adv Architecture Design I (Bunza) |
Spring 2020
Architecture Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Seminar Sustainable Urbanism (Larco) |
ARCH 407/507 | Seminar Real Estate Development (Carlton) |
ARCH 407/507 | Seminar Interior Urbanism (Fowler) |
ARCH 410/510 | Advanced Technology Mass Timber (Papaefthimiou) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY |
ARCH 417/517 | Context of the Architecture Profession (Perenchio, Smith, Williams) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development (Leahy) |
ARCH 430/530 | Architectural Contexts: Design Activism and Social Justice (Wilkins) |
Approved Architectural History Courses
AAAP 423/523 | Am Arch Presrv Pers III (Buckley) ARCH History Modern |
Design Studios
Unchanged: Terminal/Capstone Design StudiosSpring 2020Portland Subject Area CoursesPortland Intermediate StudioPortland Design Terminal StudiosSummer 2020
ARCH 484/584 | Adv Architecture Design I (Larco) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Architecture Design I Crossing the Border Presentation and Course Description Video (Davis) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Architecture Design I Future Library Lab Presentation and Course Description Video (BORA) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Architecture Design I (Bunza) |
Summer 2020
Architecture Courses
Course Number | Course Name (Professor) |
Academic Year 2018-19
Fall 2018 | Winter 2019 | Spring 2019
Fall 2018
Portland Subject Area Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Sem The Living Building (Fretz) |
ARCH 408/508 | Wrk Freehand Des Media (Pettinari) |
ARCH 410/510 | Housing Crisis (Keyes) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development (Leahy) |
ARCH 440/540 | Human Context of Des (Kelsey) |
ARCH 607 | Seminar Track II (Muller) |
ARCH 620 | PUARL Seminar in Portland (Neis) |
Portland Terminal Prep Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Sp Pro Terminal Prep (Doulis) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sp Pro Terminal Prep (Bora’s Cavell) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sp Pro Terminal Prep (Davis) |
Portland Design Studios
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design (Muller) |
ARCH 484/584 | Arch Design (Fowler) |
ARCH 683 | Arch Design Track II (Brown) |
Winter 2019
Portland Subject Area Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Incremental Urbanism (Davis) |
ARCH 492/592 | Environmental Control Systems II (Petterson) |
Portland Design Terminal Studios
ARCH 485/585 | (In) Vesting in Community (Doulis) – Video |
ARCH 485/585 | The Architecture of Transition (Bora) – Video |
ARCH 485/585 | ARCH 4/585 Urban Production – Urban Performance (Davis) – Video |
Spring 2019
Portland Subject Area Courses
ARCH 407/507 | Advanced Materials in Architecture (Truong) |
ARCH 410/510 | Inclusive Urbanism and Cultural Sustainability Syllabus (Bambury) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development (Leahy) |
Portland Intermediate Studio
ARCH 484/584 | Hydro-Logical Design as Community Development Syllabus (Muller) |
Portland Design Terminal Studios
ARCH 486/586 | (In) Vesting in Community (Doulis) – Video |
ARCH 486/586 | The Architecture of Transition (Bora) – Video |
ARCH 486/586 | Urban Production – Urban Performance (Davis) – Video |
Academic Year 2017-18
Design Studios | Subject Area Courses
2017-18 Portland Design Studios
Fall 2017
ARCH 4/584 | Next Generation Urban Schools (Gast) |
ARCH 4/584 | Business Incubator Park Blocks Portland (Genasci) |
Winter 2018
ARCH 484/584 | Performance Hall on Portland’s Eastside Waterfront (Gast/O’Neal) |
Spring 2018
ARCH 484/584 | Adv Arch Design (Larco) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Arch Design II (Cavanaugh) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Arch Design II (Ives & Dunn) |
ARCH 486/586 | Adv Arch Design II (Muller) |
2017-18 Portland Subject Area Courses
Fall 2017
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Comp Studio Dialog (Muller) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Urban Water Solutions |
ARCH 408/508 | Working Freehand Design Media (Pettinari/Ho/Tripp) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media Design for Development (Leahy) |
ARCH 435/535 | Principles for Urban Design (Gast) |
ARCH 437/537 | Theory of Urban Design II (Genasci) |
ARCH 438/538 | Housing Prototypes (Fifield) |
ARCH 440/540 | Human Context (Huggins) |
ARCH 461/561 | Structural Behavior |
ARCH 607 | Sem Track II/Porland (Muller) |
Winter 2018
ARCH 4/507 | Sem Comp Studio Dialog (Muller) |
ARCH 407/507 | Casing the City (Smith) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Development: Algorithmic Modeling (Leahy) |
ARCH 407/507 | Ecologies of Health (Fowler) |
Spring 2018
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Comp Studio Dialog (Jacques) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Design the Unseen (Fretz) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Sustain Urbanism (Larco) |
ARCH 407/507 | Real Estate Devel (Carlton) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Urban Design (Gast) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Refuge Pattern Lan (Neis) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Regenerative Des (Neis) |
ARCH 407/507 | Sem Design the Unseen (Fretz and Van Den Wymelenberg) |
ARCH 417/517 | Context Arch Profess (Packard) |
ARCH 423/523 | Media for Design Devel (Leahy) |