Previous Portland Courses


Fall 2023 |Winter 2024|Spring 2024|Previous Courses

Fall 2023

Architecture Courses

ARCH 607 Track II Pdx ARCH Seminar on Urban Research & Climate Action (Justin Fowler)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Housing (Jean von Bargen Root and Michael Willis)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Environmentalism and Sustainable Architecture in Oregon (William Smith) Also a terminal studio prep*
ARCH 407/507 Sem Urban Violence Lab (Elisandra Garcia-Gonzales) Also a terminal studio prep*
ARCH 407/507 Sem Learning Cities (Gerry Gast) Also a terminal studio prep*
ARCH 408/508 Wrk Adv Design AI (Justin Fowler & Nico Larco)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Hyper-Resolutions (Megan York)
ARCH 461/561 Structural Behavior (Stephen Duff) Dual Location
ARCH 471/571 Building Enclosure (John Rowell and Mark Fretz) Dual Location

Architecture Studio Course Descriptions

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Monolith Urbanism (Daniel Toole and Luke Anderson)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Mad Libs (Annie Kwon and John Szot)
ARCH 683 Grad Architectural Design: Track II (Justin Fowler)

Terminal Design Studios Winter 2024/Spring 2024

ARCH 485/585 Adv Arch Design: Course Description Learning Cities: Linking Urban Design and Architecture with Education (Gerald Gast) PowerPoint Slides
ARCH 485/585 Adv Arch Design: Urban Violence Laboratory PowerPoint Slides (Elisandra Garcia-Gonzales)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Arch Design: Course Description Parallel Environmentalism PowerPoint (William Smith)

Winter 2024

Architecture Courses

ARCH 408/508 Wrk Advanced Design: AI (Nico Larco)
AAAP 410/510 Preservation Economics and Real Estate Development (Ian Carlton)
Historic American Building Survey (Timothy Penich and Becky Wong from Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc)
AAAP 410/510 Preservation Practice: Building Preservation Plans (Carin Carlson and David Wark from Hennerbery Eddy)
ARCH 410/510 Architects in the Schools (S Meier)
ARCH 410/510 Urbanism Next Future Cites (Nico Larco) Dual Location
ARCH 417/517 Context of the Arch Profession (Karen Williams) Dual Location
ARCH 435/535 Principles of Urban Design (Gerry Gast) Dual Location from Portland
ARCH 440/540 Human Context of Design (Mark Gillem)Dual Location
ARCH 462/562 Structural Design (Mark Donofrio) Dual Location
LA 459/559 Synthetic Landscapes (Geffel, Michael) Portland location

Intermediate Design Studio

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design (Kwon and Szot)

Terminal Design Studios Winter 2024

ARCH 485/585 Adv Arch Design: Course Description Learning Cities: Linking Urban Design and Architecture with Education (Gerald Gast) PowerPoint Slides
ARCH 485/585 Adv Arch Design: Urban Violence Laboratory PowerPoint Slides (Elisandra Garcia-Gonzales)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Arch Design: Course Description Parallel Environmentalism PowerPoint (William Smith)

Spring 2024

Architecture Courses

ARCH 407/507 Sustainable Urbanism (Nico Larco) Dual Location; in-person in Portland
AAAP 410/510 Adaptive Reuse (Brian Emerick)
AAAP 410/510 Cultural Landscapes II (Laurie Matthews)
ARCH 410/510 Advanced Mass Timber Architecture (Timothy Cooke) Advanced Technology
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Michael Geffel)
ARCH 437/537 Theory of Urban Design (Justin Fowler) ARCH History

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios –

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design (Nico Larco)

Terminal Design Studios Spring 2024


ARCH 486/586 Adv Arch Design: Course Description Learning Cities: Linking Urban Design and Architecture with Education (Gerald Gast) PowerPoint Slides
ARCH 486/586 Adv Arch Design: Urban Violence Laboratory PowerPoint Slides (Elisandra Garcia-Gonzales)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Arch Design: Course Description Parallel Environmentalism PowerPoint (William Smith)

Fall 2022 |Winter 2023|Spring 2023

Fall 2022

Architecture Courses

ARCH 407/507 Infill Experiments (Clayton Taylor)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Linking Architecture and Education (Gast, Gerry)*
ARCH 407/507 Urban Violence Lab (Elisandra Garcia)*
ARCH 407/507 Advanced Design Workshop: Critical Theory, Art and Architecture (Annie Kwon and John Szot) *
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Parametric Design (Cheng, Nancy)
ARCH 461/561 Structural Behavior REMOTE (Duff, Stephen)
Note: Note: This class begins one week before the first day of Fall classes. Dual Location Portland and Eugene
A condensed preparation course will meet MTWRF 10:00 AM-11:50 AM Break 4:00 PM – 5:50 PM
ARCH 471/571 Building Enclosure (Rowell, John & Martin Houston) Dual Location Portland and Eugene
ARCH 607 Sem/Track II PDX Architecture Seminar on Urban Research and Climate Action (Fowler, Justin)

*Note: Terminal Seminar Times have been adjusted so that all students can take any/all of them. Terminal Studio Preferencing Results may affect registration decision, as they are required for the studio.


Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II (Elisandra Garcia)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios –

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Timber Techtonics in the Digital Age (Cheng, Nancy)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design “The All Wood Building”: New Approaches to Timber Design and Construction (Team from Waechter Architecture (Ben Waechter, Judson Moore, Alexis Coir, William Smith)

Winter 2023

Architecture Classes

ARCH 408/508 Wrk Advanced Design Process and Narrative (Garcia-Gonzales, Elisandra)
ARCH 410/510 Architects in the Schools (S Meier)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (M Polites) Dual Location
ARCH 410/510 Design the Unseen (M Fretz)
ARCH 417/517 Context of the Arch Profession (John Rowell & Karen Williams) Dual Location
ARCH 435/535 Principles of Urban Design Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Practice (Gerry Gast) Dual Location
ARCH 440/540 Human Context of Design (Mark Gillem) Dual Location
ARCH 462/562 Structural Design (TBA) Dual Location
ARCH xxx/xxx Title (TBA)

Architecture Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design (Justin Fowler)

Terminal Design Studios Winter 2023

ARCH 485/585 Adv Arch Design: Linking Architecture to Learning and Education (Gerald Gast)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Arch Design: Urban Violence Laboratory (Elisandra Garcia)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Arch Design: big & tall studio (Annie Kwon and John Szot)

Spring 2023

Architecture Courses

ARCH 407/507 Sustainable Urbanism (Larco, Nico)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Re-Interpretations (Garcia, Elisandra)
ARCH 437/537 Theory and History of Urban Design II (Fowler, Justin)
ARCH 4/593M Passive Cooling (Rempel, Alexandra) Dual Location
ARCH 492/592 Environmental Control Systems II (Elzeyadi, Ihab) Dual Location
ARCH xxx/xxx Title (TBA)
ARCH xxx/xxx Title (TBA)


Architecture Design Studios

ARCH 484/854 Arch Design (Larco, Nico)

Terminal Design Studios Spring 2023

ARCH 486/586 Adv Arch Design: Linking Architecture to Learning and Education (Gerald Gast)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Arch Design: Urban Violence Laboratory (Elisandra Garcia)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Arch Design: big & tall studio (Annie Kwon and John Szot)

Fall 2021 |Winter 2022|Spring 2022

Fall 2021

Architecture Courses

ARCH 407/507 Sem Terminal Prep Learning Cities: Next Generation Urban Education (Gast, Gerry)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Terminal Prep Urban Violence Laboratory (Garcia-Gonzalez, Elisandra)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Terminal Prep Adv Arch Design I Title: Housing Can Be __________ (Otte, Dave & Strand, Renee)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Design the Unseen (Fretz, Mark)
ARCH 408/508 Wrk Adv Design Micro (Fowler, Justin)
ARCH 461/561 Structural Behavior REMOTE (Duff, Stephen)
Note: This class begins one week before the first day of Fall classes.
A condensed preparation course will meet mtwrf 10:00 AM-11:50 AM Break 4:00 PM – 5:50 PM 9/20 – 9/24/2021
ARCH 607 Sem/Track II Pdx Architecture Seminar on Urban Research and Climate Action (Fowler, Justin)

Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II (Garcia-Gonzalez, Elisandra)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Reclaiming Infrastructure: Spaces for Public Use (Bonilla Huaroc, Carla)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Design Ecology: Systems Thinking in Residential Architecture (Great, Michael and Ramin Rezvani)

Winter 2022

Architecture Classes


ARCH 410/510 Architects in the Schools (Meier, Sina)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit Data Informed Design Integration (Speranza, Philip)- Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland
ARCH 410/510 Urbanism Next: Future Cities (Larco, Nico) – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland
ARCH 435/535 Principles of Urban Design (Gast, Gerry)
ARCH 417/517 Context of the Profession (Portland and Eugene) (Williams, Karen & Linda Czopek) – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland
ARCH 440/540 Human Context (Gillem, Mark & Siobhan Rockcastle) – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland
ARCH 462/562 Structural Design (Donofrio, Mark) – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland
ARCH 494M-594M Passive Heating Seminar (Rempel, Alexandra) Advanced Technology – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland

Architecture Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design (Fowler, Justin)

Terminal Design Studios Winter 2022

ARCH 485/585 Adv Arch Design Title: Learning Cities: Next Generation Urban Education Presentation PPT (Gast, Gerry)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Arch Design I Title: Urban Violence Laboratory Presentation & Fall Seminar PPT (Garcia-Gonzalez, Elisandra)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Arch Design I Title: Housing Can Be __________ Presentation & Fall Seminar PPT (Otte, Dave & Strand, Renee)

Adv ARCH Terminal Studio Presentations

Spring 2022

Architecture Courses

ARCH 407/507 Seminar Sustainable Urbanism (Larco, Nico) Dual Location Course
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Real Estate Development (Carlton, Ian) Dual Location Course
ARCH 408/508 Wrk Advanced Design Native Foods and Narrative (Garcia, Elisandra)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Smith, William)
ARCH 430/530 Architectural Contexts: Place and Culture (Davis, Howard and Juichi Satoh) Dual Location Course
ARCH 437/537 Theory and History of Urban Design II (Fowler, Justin)
ARCH 4/594 M Passive Cooling (Rempel, Alexandra) Dual Location Course
ARCH xxx Title (Instructor)

Architecture Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design (Larco, Nico)

Terminal Design Studios Spring 2022


ARCH 486/586 Adv Arch Design Title Course Description: Learning Cities: Next Generation Urban Education Presentation PPT (Gast, Gerry)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Arch Design I Title: Urban Violence Laboratory Presentation & Fall Seminar PPT (Garcia-Gonzalez, Elisandra)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Arch Design I Title: Housing Can Be __________ Presentation & Fall Seminar PPT (Otte, Dave & Strand, Renee)

Academic Year 2020-21

Fall 2020 | Winter 2021 | Spring 2021

Fall 2020

Architecture Courses

ARCH 407/507 Sem Prep: Linking Education and Architecture (Gerry Gast)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Prep: EU-US International House (Hajo Neis)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Prep: Rebuilding Cornerstones (Craig Wilkins, Cleo Davis, Kayin Talton Davis)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Experimental Building Materials (Nina Maritz) Advanced Technology
ARCH 423/523 Drawing Machines: Top Media for Design Development (Leahy)
ARCH 440/540 Human Context of Design (Huggins)
ARCH 491/591 Environmental Control Systems I: The Living Building (Fretz) CANCELLED
ARCH 607 Track II: Portland Architecture Seminar on Urban Research and Climate Action (Justin Fowler)

Intermediate Design Studio Fall 2020

ARCH 484/584 Adv Architecture Design I (tba)


Terminal Design Studios Winter and Spring 2021

Portland terminal studio presentations session Wednesday, Sept 9th from 11am-noon. Studio professors leading the three terminal options will each give brief talks about their studios for the first half hour and then we’ll have a general Q&A immediately following. Zoom link distributed to Pdx students.


ARCH 485/585 Linking Education and Architecture Presentation (Gerry Gast)
ARCH 485/585 The EU-US International House Presentation (Hajo Neis)
ARCH 485/585 Rebuilding Cornerstones Presentation (Craig Wilkins, Cleo Davis, Kayin Talton Davis)

Winter 2021

Architecture Courses

ARCH 408/508 Advanced Design Workshop (Fowler, Justin)
ARCH 410/510 Architects in the Schools (Meier, Sina)
ARCH 410/510 Mass Timber (tba)
ARCH 423/523 Collaborative Events: MEDIA FOR DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (Leahy, John)
ARCH 458/558 Types & Typology (Neis, Hajo)
ARCH 471/571 Building Enclosure (Houston, M)

Intermediate Design Studio Fall 2020

ARCH 484/584 Adv Architecture Design I (Fowler, Justin)


Terminal Design Studios Winter and Spring 2021

Portland terminal studio presentations session Wednesday, Sept 9th from 11am-noon. Studio professors leading the three terminal options will each give brief talks about their studios for the first half hour and then we’ll have a general Q&A immediately following. Zoom link distributed to Pdx students.


ARCH 485/585 Linking Education and Architecture Presentation Course Description (Gerry Gast)
ARCH 485/585 The EU-US International House Presentation (Hajo Neis)
ARCH 485/585 Rebuilding Cornerstones Presentation (Craig Wilkins, Cleo Davis, Kayin Talton Davis)

(Also see AAAP Historic Preservation Course Descriptions)

Spring 2021

Architecture Courses


ARCH 407/507 Sem Sustainable Urbanism (Larco, Nico)
ARCH 417/517 Context Arch Profession (Williams, Karen)
ARCH 430/530 Architecture Context Design Activism & Social Justice (Wilkins, Craig)
ARCH 435/535 Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Critical Practice (Gast, Gerry)
ARCH 437/537 Theory and History of Urban Design II (Fowler, Justin)
ARCH 492/592 Environmental Control Systems II (Petterson, Lisa)

Intermediate Design Studio Fall 2020

ARCH 484/584 Adv Architecture Design I (Larco, Nico)

Terminal Design Studios Winter and Spring 2021


ARCH 485/585 Linking Education and Architecture Presentation Course Description (Gerry Gast)
ARCH 485/585 The EU-US International House Presentation (Hajo Neis)
ARCH 485/585 Rebuilding Cornerstones Presentation (Craig Wilkins, Cleo Davis, Kayin Talton Davis)

Academic Year 2019-20

Fall 2019 | Winter 2020 | Spring 2020 | Summer 2020

Fall 2019

Architecture Courses


ARCH 407/507 Seminar Terminal Prep (Davis)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Design the Unseen (Fretz)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Devel (Leahy)
ARCH 438/538 Housing Prototypes (Fifield)
ARCH 454/540 Human Context of Des (Huggins)
ARCH 461/561 Structural Behavior (Papaefthimiou)
ARCH 607 Sem Track II/Portland

Approved Architectural History Courses

AAAP 421/521 Am Arch Presrv Pers I (Randl) ARCH History Modern

Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Rebuilding Cornerstones: Toward Spatial Justice for Portland’s Black Diaspora (Karen Kubey, Cleo Davis and Kayin Talton Davis)
ARCH 484/584 Land Trust: Designing a community-owned and managed wetland and bird reserve in Koshi Tappu, Nepal (Priyanka Bista)

Winter 2020

Architecture Courses

DSGN 410/510 Universal Design for Healthy Aging: Mobility, Metrics and Memory Syllabus and Application and Course Description (Solowski, Fretz, Hagenlocher, Salter) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
ARCH 400M/500M Spatial Justice Seminar (Wilkens)
ARCH 410/510 Architects in the Schools (Meier)
ARCH 410/510 Water Infrastructure: Decentralized Solutions for the Future (Grinnell) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
ARCH 410/510 Urbanism Next (Larco)
ARCH 423/523 Med Dsgn Dev CAD/Revit Intro to BIM Modeling w Revit (Leahy)
ARCH 458/558 Types & Typology (Davis) ARCH History Modern
ARCH 462/562 Wood & Steel Building Systems (Papaefthimiou)
LA 459/559 Instant City: Old Town (Geffel)
ARCH 471/571 Building Enclosures (Houston)
ARCH 601 Urbanism Research (Larco)

Approved Architectural History Courses

AAAP 422/522 Am Arch Presrv Pers II (Cava) ARCH History Modern

Design Studios

Terminal/Capstone Design StudiosSpring 2020Portland Subject Area CoursesPortland Intermediate StudioPortland Design Terminal StudiosSummer 2020


ARCH 484/584 Adv Architecture Design I (Fowler)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Crossing the Border Presentation and Course Description
Unchanged: Video (Davis)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Future Library Lab Presentation and Course Description
Video (BORA)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I (Bunza)

Spring 2020

Architecture Courses


ARCH 407/507 Seminar Sustainable Urbanism (Larco)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Real Estate Development (Carlton)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Interior Urbanism (Fowler)
ARCH 410/510 Advanced Technology Mass Timber (Papaefthimiou) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
ARCH 417/517 Context of the Architecture Profession (Perenchio, Smith, Williams)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Leahy)
ARCH 430/530 Architectural Contexts: Design Activism and Social Justice (Wilkins)

Approved Architectural History Courses

AAAP 423/523 Am Arch Presrv Pers III (Buckley) ARCH History Modern

Design Studios

Unchanged: Terminal/Capstone Design StudiosSpring 2020Portland Subject Area CoursesPortland Intermediate StudioPortland Design Terminal StudiosSummer 2020

ARCH 484/584 Adv Architecture Design I (Larco)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I Crossing the Border Presentation and Course Description
Video (Davis)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I Future Library Lab Presentation and Course Description
Video (BORA)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I (Bunza)

Summer 2020

Architecture Courses

Course Number Course Name (Professor)

Academic Year 2018-19

Fall 2018 | Winter 2019 | Spring 2019

Fall 2018

Portland Subject Area Courses

ARCH 407/507 Sem The Living Building (Fretz)
ARCH 408/508 Wrk Freehand Des Media (Pettinari)
ARCH 410/510 Housing Crisis (Keyes)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Leahy)
ARCH 440/540 Human Context of Des (Kelsey)
ARCH 607 Seminar Track II (Muller)
ARCH 620 PUARL Seminar in Portland (Neis)

Portland Terminal Prep Courses

ARCH 407/507 Sp Pro Terminal Prep (Doulis)
ARCH 407/507 Sp Pro Terminal Prep (Bora’s Cavell)
ARCH 407/507 Sp Pro Terminal Prep (Davis)

Portland Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design (Muller)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design (Fowler)
ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II (Brown)

Winter 2019

Portland Subject Area Courses

ARCH 407/507 Incremental Urbanism (Davis)
ARCH 492/592 Environmental Control Systems II (Petterson)

Portland Design Terminal Studios

ARCH 485/585 (In) Vesting in Community (Doulis) – Video
ARCH 485/585 The Architecture of Transition (Bora) – Video
ARCH 485/585 ARCH 4/585 Urban Production – Urban Performance (Davis) – Video

Spring 2019

Portland Subject Area Courses

ARCH 407/507 Advanced Materials in Architecture (Truong)
ARCH 410/510 Inclusive Urbanism and Cultural Sustainability Syllabus (Bambury)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Leahy)

Portland Intermediate Studio

ARCH 484/584 Hydro-Logical Design as Community Development Syllabus (Muller)

Portland Design Terminal Studios

ARCH 486/586 (In) Vesting in Community (Doulis) – Video
ARCH 486/586 The Architecture of Transition (Bora) – Video
ARCH 486/586 Urban Production – Urban Performance (Davis) – Video

Academic Year 2017-18

Design Studios | Subject Area Courses

2017-18 Portland Design Studios

Fall 2017

ARCH 4/584 Next Generation Urban Schools (Gast)
ARCH 4/584 Business Incubator Park Blocks Portland (Genasci)

Winter 2018

ARCH 484/584 Performance Hall on Portland’s Eastside Waterfront (Gast/O’Neal)

Spring 2018

ARCH 484/584 Adv Arch Design (Larco)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Arch Design II (Cavanaugh)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Arch Design II (Ives & Dunn)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Arch Design II (Muller)

2017-18 Portland Subject Area Courses

Fall 2017


ARCH 407/507 Sem Comp Studio Dialog (Muller)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Urban Water Solutions
ARCH 408/508 Working Freehand Design Media (Pettinari/Ho/Tripp)
ARCH 423/523 Media Design for Development (Leahy)
ARCH 435/535 Principles for Urban Design (Gast)
ARCH 437/537 Theory of Urban Design II (Genasci)
ARCH 438/538 Housing Prototypes (Fifield)
ARCH 440/540 Human Context (Huggins)
ARCH 461/561 Structural Behavior
ARCH 607 Sem Track II/Porland (Muller)

Winter 2018

ARCH 4/507 Sem Comp Studio Dialog (Muller)
ARCH 407/507 Casing the City (Smith)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development: Algorithmic Modeling (Leahy)
ARCH 407/507 Ecologies of Health (Fowler)

Spring 2018

ARCH 407/507 Sem Comp Studio Dialog (Jacques)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Design the Unseen (Fretz)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Sustain Urbanism (Larco)
ARCH 407/507 Real Estate Devel (Carlton)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Urban Design (Gast)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Refuge Pattern Lan (Neis)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Regenerative Des (Neis)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Design the Unseen (Fretz and Van Den Wymelenberg)
ARCH 417/517 Context Arch Profess (Packard)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Devel (Leahy)