Course Descriptions

Summer 2024 |Fall 2024 | Winter 2025| Spring 2025 | Summer 2025Previous Courses

Check out the Department’s general course descriptions on our main website. Detailed descriptions of current and upcoming courses, as well as a tentative list of the full year of course offerings, also are posted on the wall outside of Lawrence 230.

For the most up-to-date course listings by term, check the UO Schedule of Classes.

Summer 2024

Landscape Architecture Courses

All Courses

LA 390 Urban Farm (Harper Keeler)
LA 408/508 Wrk Overlook Studio (David Buckley Borden)
LA 408/508 Wrk Overlook Studio Fuller Studio: Reclamation (Ignacio López Busón, Mary Polites )
LA 608 Wrk LA Foundations (Jeff Krueger, Peter Olson, Holly Phares)
LA XXX Title (TBA)

Fall 2024

Landscape Architecture Courses

LA 260 Understanding Landscapes (Michael Geffel)
LA 326 Plants: Fall (Kelly Densmore)
LA 301 Intro ENVD Careers (Ben Shirtcliff)
LA 390 Urban Farm (Harper Keeler)
LA 410/510 Foundation Lecture for ENVD Studio  (Kory Russel)
LA 410/510 Global Sustainability: Waste and the City  (Yekang Ko)
LA 413/513 Analyzing Land Systems (Gwynne Mhuireach)
LA 450/550 Advanced Landscape Media Evolutionary Landscapes (Ignacio López Busón)
LA 450/550 Environmental Data Visualization (Jun Lee)
LA 450/550 Drawing the Landscape (Caleb Melchior)
LA 441/541 Princ Applied Ecology (Ellee Stapleton)
LA 451/551 Landscape Media I (Arica Duhrkoop-Galas)
LA 451/551 ENVD Landscape Media Introduction to Visual Communications (Peter Olsen)
LA 459/559 3D Mapping with LiDAR (Jun Lee)
LA 464/564 Materials I: Fall Plants & Ecosystems (Arica Duhrkoop-Galas )
LA 474/574 History of Landscape Arch I (Laurie Matthews)
LA 699 (610) Terminal Project Masters Clinic (Yekang Ko)

Design Studios

LA 289 Foundations for ENVD Majors (Kory Russel) Co-Req LA 410 Foundation Lecture for ENVD Studio
LA 439 Land Arch Des & Proc Reimagining Agate Playground (Honeyman, Joan)
LA 639 Land Arch Des & Proc  (Ignacio López Busón)
LA 489/589 Site Planning & Design   (TBA) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
LA 489/589 Site Planning & Design (TBA) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
LA 494 Land Planning & Design Comprehensive Project I  (Mark Eischeid)
LA 694 Land Planning & Design Refugia by Design/Cultural Lanscapes for the 21st Century (Michael Geffel and Caleb Melchoir)

Winter 2025

Landscape Architecture Courses

LA 301 Environmental Design Careers Section 1 Section 2 (Ben Shirtcliff) ENVD Majors Only
LA 327 Winter Plants (Arica Duhrkoop-Galas)
LA 390 Winter at Urban Farm (Harper Keeler)
LA 407/507 TBA (TBA)
LA 415/515 TBA  (Junhak Lee) Asynchronous
LA 429/529 Civic Agriculture (Harper Keeler)
LA 450/550 Environmental Data Visualization (Junhak Lee) Asynchronous
LA 452/552 Landscape Media II (TBA
LA 459/559 TBAs (TBA) Portland location
LA 462/562 Professional Practice  (John Anderson)
LA  465/565 LA Materials & Construction Materials II (Arica Duhrkoop-Galas)
LA 475/575 History of Landscape Architecture II (Larissa Matthews)
LA 620 Landscape Research Methods (Gwynne Mhuireach)

Design Studios

LA 289 LA Arch Design (TBA)
LA 289 LA Arch Design (TBA)
LA 439 LA Arch Des & Proc (TBA)
LA 639 LA Arch Des & Proc  TBA (TBA)
LA 489/589 Site Plan & Dsgn TBA  (TBA)
LA 489/589 Site Planning & Design TBA (TBA)
LA 699 Masters Project (TBA)

Spring 2025

Landscape Architecture Courses

LA 227 Intro to Landscape Architecture (Lydia Camel)
LA 301 Careers in ENV Design (Ben Shirtcliff) ENVD Majors only
LA 328 Spring Plants (Kelly Densmore)
LA 352 Digital Landscape Media (Liska Chan and Peter Olson) Pre-LA Majors only
LA 405/605 TBA (TBA)
LA 407/507 TBA Workshop (TBA)
LA 410/510 TBA (TBA)
LA 440/540 Intro Landscape Planning Analysis (TBA)
LA 450/550 TBA (TBA)
LA 453/553 Landscape Media III (TBA)
LA 459/559 Top Sensing the Environment (Jun Lee)
LA 466/566 LA Materials and Construction (Arica Duhrkoop-Galas)
LA 472/572 Top Overlook Seminar | Land Lab (TBA)
LA 472/572 Top Environmental Communication Theory: In Principle and Practice (David Buckley Borden)
LA XXX Title (TBA)

Design Studios

LA 289 LA Arch Design (TBA)
LA 439 LA Arch Des & Proc (TBA)
LA 639 LA Arch Des & Proc (TBA)
LA 489/589 Site Planning & Design (TBA)
LA 489/589 Site Planning & Design TBA (TBA)
LA 610 (699) Masters Terminal Project Clinic (TBA)

Summer 2025

Landscape Architecture Courses Soon to Come

All Courses

LA xxx Title (TBA)
LA xxx Title (TBA)
LA xxx Title (TBA)
LA xxx Title (TBA)
LA xxx Title (TBA)