Previous Eugene Courses

Fall 2023 | Winter 2024 | Spring 2024 | Summer 2024 | Previous Courses

Fall 2023

Architecture Courses

ARCH 201 Introduction to Architecture (Givens, Jim)
ARCH 406/606 Sp Pr Electric Light (Rockcastle, Siobhan) Advanced Technology if taken with IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Make Our Future (Cheng, Nancy)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Building Ecology (Donofrio, Mark) Advanced Technology if taken with ARCH 405/605 Sp Pro Building Ecology
ARCH 407/507 Seminar (TBA)
ARCH 409/609 Practicum Off-Campus Experience  (Williams, Karen)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (Kelso, Abe)
ARCH 410/510 Housing Design (Bollo, Christina)
ARCH 410/510 High Performance Buildings (Elzeyadi, Ihab) Advanced Technology
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Development Digital Design Techniques (Williams, Daisy)
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Development Forms and Processes for Resilience  (Cheng, Nancy)
ARCH 435/535 Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Critical Practice (Gast, Gerry)
ARCH 450/550 Spatial Composition (Tice, James and Esther Hagenlocher)
ARCH 461/561 Structural Behavior (Duff, Stephen)
Note: This class begins one week before the first day of Fall classes. Dual Location Eugene and Portland
A condensed preparation course will meet mtwrf 10:00 AM-11:50 AM Break 4:00 PM – 5:50 PM during zero week
ARCH 470/570 Building Construction (Hahn, Tom)
ARCH 471/571 Building Enclosure (Rowell, John ) Dual Location Eugene and Portland
ARCH 476/576 Residential Construction (Neal, Clay) Advanced Technology
ARCH 633 Fundamentals of Sustainable Design (Meets Requirements for Track II Seminar/Eugene (Kwok, Alison) Advanced Technology
ARCH 610 Intro Arch Computing (TBA)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 204 Understanding Contemporary Interiors (Jessup, Britni)
IARC 407/507 Seminar Designing with AI (Olsen, Cory)
IARC 444/544 Furniture: Theory and Analysis (Zimmer, Linda)
IARC 445/545 Comprehensive Project Preparation (Zimmer, Linda)
IARC 474/574 History Interior Architecture I (Kive, Mohammadzadeh Solmaz)
IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting (Rockcastle, Siobhan) Advanced Technology if taken with ARCH 405/605 /Sp Pro Electric Lighting

Approved for Architectural/Interior Architecture History Courses

ARH Course Brochure

Taking any of these courses will satisfy degree program requirements for elective Architectural/Interior Architectural History irrespective of genre.

ARH 314 Hist of World Architecture I (Hutterer, M)
ARH 325 Islamic Art & Architecture (Gasparini, C)
ARCH 425 Top Medieval Building Practices (Hutterer, M) Ancient
ARH 456/556 World Arch Since 1960 (Eggener, K)
IARC 474/574 History Interior Architecture I (Kive, Mohammadzadeh Solmaz)
LA 474/574 Hist Landscape Arch I  (Eischeid, Mark)

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 383 Architectural Design III (TBA) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 681 Intro Graduate Design (TBA) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 681 Intro Graduate Design (TBA) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II (TBA) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II (TBA) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios

ARCH 484 Architectural Design III Anything but an Office (Guivernau, Sebastian) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484 Architectural Design III East University Hotel (Hilton, Tim) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484 Architectural Design III Housing for Two Crisis (Keyes, Peter) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484 Architectural Design III Learning: Living: Harmony (Hahn, Tom) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484 Architectural Design III Initiative 99 Studio (Polites, Mary) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design III Mass Timber Design (Shein, Judith) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design III Istanbul Urban Infill (Gillem, Mark) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design III Downtown Housing (Neal, Clay) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design III Timber Tectonics in the Digital Age (Cheng, Nancy) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design III Performative Wood Morphologies (Wood, Dylan) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios


IARC 484/584 Interior Design An Academic Incubator at the Romania Building: A Launchpad for Start-Up Success (Mighell, Merike) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
IARC 484/584 Interior Design Maccha Studio (Kive, Solmaz) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration
IARC 486/586 Furniture Design CH(AI)RS 2.0 (Olsen, Cory) Register for PHANTOM IARC 484/584 studio during priority registration
IARC 484/584 Interior Design An Academic Incubator at the Romania Building: A Launchpad for Start-Up Success (Mighell, Merike) Register for PHANTOM studio during priority registration

Eugene Terminal Studio Presentations Winter 24/Spring 24

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Winter/Spring 2024

Recording is here. Passcode: %e5ZBeJL

ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Just Housing PowerPoint Christina Bollo)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Make Our Future PowerPoint (Nancy Cheng)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Building Economy Building Ecology Building Change PowerPoint (Mark Donofrio)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Future Careers Center PowerPoint (Siobhan Rockcastle)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design Glenwood Riverfront PowerPoint (John Rowell)

Winter 2024

Architecture Courses

ARCH 202 Design Skills (Daisy Williams)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Spatial Justice Radical (Re) Design (Agrawal, Shalini)
ARCH 407/507 Sem LAND TALK: The architecture and urbanism of a planet in stress (Davis, Howard and Erik Steiner)
ARCH 410/510 Urban Cities Urbanism Next (Larco, Nico) Dual Location
ARCH 410/510 Residential Detailing Sustainable, Affordable Housing (Neal, Clay) Advanced Technology and Housing Specialization Elective
ARCH 410/510 Building Info Model Revit (Kelso, Abe)
ARCH 410/510 Advanced Mass Timber Design (Sheine, Judith) Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Computation in Architecture Computational Design (Wood, Dylan) Advanced Technology
ARCH 417/517 Context Arch Profession (Williams, Karen) Dual Location
ARCH 423/523 Top Media Dsgn Devel Design Process Media: From Concept to Building (Givens, James)
ARCH 410/510 Media F-Gr Urbanism Fine-Grained Urbanism (Speranza, Philip) (Counts toward ARCH 423/523 2 OR 3 Credits)
ARCH 423/523 Top Media Design Development Scaffold Assemblies (Polites, Mary)
ARCH 435/535 Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Critical Practice (Gast, Gerry) Dual Location
ARCH 440/540 Human Context of Design (Gillem, Mark) Dual Location
ARCH 458/558 Types and Typology The Urban Building and Urban Space (Davis, Howard) Housing Specialization Elective
ARCH 462/562 Structural Design (Donofrio, Mark) Dual Location
ARCH 480/580 Superv Design Teaching Assistants for ARCH 283 Studios (Givens, Jim)
ARCH 491/591 Envir Control Systems I (Hahn, Tom and Siobhan Rockcastle) Dual Location

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 471/571 Interior Construction Elements (Olsen, Cory)
IARC 475/575 History of Interior Design II (Kive, Solmaz)

Interior Architecture Studios

IARC 484/584 Interior Design Intentional Communities for Transitional Housing (Kive, Solmaz)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design Studio: Riley Revamp (Olsen, Cory)
IARC 486/586 Furniture Design Studio Hang Time (Hagenlocher, Esther)
IARC 488/588 IARC Comprehensive Studio Proof of Concept (Zimmer, Linda and Kelsey Buzzell)

Architecture Introductory Studios

ARCH 283 Arch Design I (Agrawal, Givens, Hilton, Minder, Hahn, Kelso)
ARCH 682 Intro Graduate Arch Design (Corner, Don)

Architecture Intermediate Studios

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design The Craft of Design: A Winery in the Dundee Hills of Oregon (Duff, Stephen)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Design for the Masieri Foundation, Venice (Tice, James)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Recovering Ruined Land (Chohan, Sami)
ARCH484/584 Arch Design Building Hope: A Net-Zero Elementary School on Sites of War and Political Conflicts (Elzeyadi, Ihab)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Scaffolds Studio  (Polites, Mary)

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Winter/Spring 2024

ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Just Housing Christina Bollo)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Make Our Future (Nancy Cheng)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Building Economy Building Ecology Building Change (Mark Donofrio)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Future Careers Center (Siobhan Rockcastle)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design Glenwood Riverfront (John Rowell)

Art History Courses


ARH 315 Hist of World Arch I (K Eggener) Arch History Renaissance and Modern
ARH 317 Romanesque Architecture (M Hutterer) Arch History Ancient
ARH 323 Roman Art & Architecture (K Seaman) Arch History Ancient
ARH 457/557 Top Land and Environment Art (E Scott) Arch History Modern
ARH 481/581 Chinese Architecture (C Gasparini) Arch History Renaissance and Modern
LA 475/575 History of Landscape Architecture II (L Matthews) Arch History Modern
IARC 475/575 History of Interior Design II (Solmaz Kive) Arch History Renaissance
ARCH 458/558 Types and Typology The Urban Building and Urban Space (Howard Davis) Arch History Modern

Spring 2024

Architecture and Interior Architecture Courses

ARCH 405/605 Sp Problems Circular Design/Build  (Nancy Cheng)
ARCH 407/507 Sustainable Urbanism (Nico Larco) Dual Location
ARCH 407/507 Emergent Global Practices (Sami Chohan)
ARCH 410/510 Passive House Design and Detailing (Alison Kwok) Advanced Technology & Housing Specialization
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II (Christina Bollo)
ARCH 410/510 Computational Fabrication (Dylan Wood) Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Design the Unseen (Mark Fretz) Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Natural Building Systems (Tom Hahn) Advanced Technology
PPPM 407/507 Sem Spatial Equity in Community Engagement (Shalini Agrawal) Housing Specialization
ARCH 408/608 HOPES 29: Structures in Transition (Abe Kelso)
ARCH 410/510 Building Information Model Systems Revit (Abe Kelso)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Nancy Cheng)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Kyuho Ahn)
ARCH 409/609 Practicum Off Campus Experience (Karen Williams)
ARCH 430/530 Architectural Contexts: Place and Culture (Howard Davis)
ARCH 480/580 Supervised Design Teaching (Daisy Williams)
ARCH 492/592 Environmental Control Systems II (Elzeyadi, Ihab)
ARCH 4/593 M Passive Cooling (Rempel, Alexandra) Advanced Technology CANCELLED
ARCH XXX Title (tba)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 407/507 Furniturisation: Types and Design Exercises (Linda Zimmer)
IARC 447/547 Color Theory (Esther Hagenlocher)
IARC 472/572 Interior Finishes and Design Application (TBA)
IARC 476/576 History of Interior Architecture III (Kive, Solmaz Mohammadzadeh)

Approved for Architectural History Courses

ARH 322 Ancient Grk Art & Arch (K Seaman) Gothic
ARH 358 History of Design (S Ciglia) Modern
ARH 425/525 Top Medieval Bldg Practices (Hutterier) Ancient
ARH 471/571 Top Mod Arch Latin Am (K Eggener) Modern
IARC 476/576 Hist Interior Arch III (Kive, Solmaz) Modern

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 284 Architectural Design II (Daisy Williams, Erin Moore, Sami Chohan, Abe Kelso, Tim Hilton, Alex Hilton, Ashley Tackett)
ARCH 384 Architectural Design IV  (TBA)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios (Register for ARCH PHANTOM Studio during Initial Registration)


ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Architecture of Repair (Shalini Agrawal)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Dwelling Prototypes for the 21st Century (Howard Davis)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Oregon BILDS  (Roger Ota and Holly Nuovo)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Integrated Ag (Mark Fretz, Gwynne Mhuireach)

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios (Register for IARC PHANTOM Studio during Initial Registration)

IARC 484/584 Interior Design Social Kitchen +! (Kyuho Ahn)
IARC 487/587 Working Drawings  Title (Jenna Fribley)

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Spring 2024

ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II (Christina Bollo)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II (Nancy Cheng)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II (Mark Donofrio)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II (Ceara O’Leary)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II (Siobhan Rockcastle)

Design Interior Architecture Comprehensive Studio

IARC 489/589 Interior Design Comprehensive Project II (Linda Zimmer)


Summer 2024

Architecture Courses

ARCH 610 Global Modern Architecture (TBA)
ARCH 611 Grad Design Process (TBA)

Architecture Studios

ARCH 680 Intro to Grad Design (TBA)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design (TBA)
ARCH 484/584  Arch Design (TBA)


Academic Year 2022-23

Fall 2022 | Winter 2023 | Spring 2023 | Summer 2023 | Previous Courses

Fall 2022

Architecture Courses

ARCH 201 Introduction to Architecture (Givens, Jim)
ARCH 406/606 Sp Pr Electric Light (Rockcastle, Siobhan) Advanced Technology if taken with IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting
ARCH 407/507 Seminar: The Architecture of Louis I. Kahn (Moye, Gary) ARCH History Modern Elective
ARCH 407/507 Seminar (TBA)
ARCH 409/609 Practicum Off-Campus Experience  (TBA)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (TBA)
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Development Digital Collage Techniques (Williams, Daisy)
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Development Unbuilt: CSH Revisited…Revisited (Olsen, Cory)
ARCH 435/535 Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Critical Practice (Gast, Gerry)
ARCH 438/538 Housing Prototypes (TBA)
ARCH 450/550 Spatial Composition (Esther Hagenlocher and Nico Larco)
ARCH 461/561 Structural Behavior (Duff, Stephen)
Note: This class begins one week before the first day of Fall classes. Dual Location Eugene and Portland
A condensed preparation course will meet mtwrf 10:00 AM-11:50 AM Break 4:00 PM – 5:50 PM
ARCH 470/570 Building Construction (Hahn, Tom)
ARCH 471/571 Building Enclosure (Rowell, John & Martin Houston) Dual Location Eugene and Portland
ARCH 476/576 Residential Construction (Thallon, Rob) Advanced Technology
ARCH 607 Seminar Track II/Eugene Contemporary Issues in Architecture (Kwok, Alison)
ARCH 610 Intro Arch Computing (Speranza, Philip)
ARCH 620 Research Methods in Sustainable Design REMOTE (Kwok, Alison)
ARCH 661 Technical Teaching in Architecture (Kwok, Alison) Advanced Technology

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 204 Understanding Contemporary Interiors (Ahn, Kyuho)
IARC 407/507 Seminar (Hagenlocher, Esther)
IARC 444/544 Furniture: Theory and Analysis (Zimmer, Linda)
IARC 445/545 Comprehensive Project Preparation (Buzzell, Kelsey)
IARC 474/574 History Interior Architecture I (Kive, Mohammadzadeh Solmaz)
IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting (Rockcastle, Siobhan) Advanced Technology if taken with ARCH 405/605 /Sp Pro Electric Lighting

Approved for Architectural/Interior Architecture History Courses

ARH Course Brochure


ARH 314 Hist of World Architecture I (TBA) ARCH History Renaissance or Modern
ARH 421/521 Helenistic Art and Architecture (Instructor) ARCH Ancient
ARH 471/571 Latin America Art History (Instructor) ARCH Modern
IARC 474/574 History Interior Architecture I (Kive, Mohammadzadeh Solmaz ARCH History Ancient-Gothic
LA 474/574 Hist Landscape Arch I  (Eischeid, Mark) ARCH Renaissance
ARCH 407/507 Sem Louis I. Kahn (Moye, Gary) ARCH Modern

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 383 Architectural Design III (Givens, Jim, Junichi Satoh, Mary Polites, Hans Minder)
ARCH 681 Intro Graduate Design (Hagenlocher, Esther)
ARCH 681 Intro Graduate Design (Duff, Stephen)
ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II (Zaretsky, Michael)
ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II (TBA)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design III Housing “Boot Camp” Studio (Fifield, Michael)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design  III Mass Timber Design Studio Sheine, Judith
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design  III Rome, the Other Side (Latini, Antonio Pietro)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design  III The Future of Work is Now (Guivernau, Sebastian)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design III Masonry in Oregon (Speranza, Philip)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design  III Istanbul Urban Infill (Gillem, Mark)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design  III THE FIT. Main Street Public Art, Urban Infill, and Adaptive Re-Use (Hilton, Tim)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design  III Rebuilding Ukraine (Moore, Erin & Iryna Volynets)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design  III Early Childhood Learning Center (Rockcastle, Siobhan)
ARCH 484/584 Architecture Design III Green House (Neal, Clay)

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios

IARC 484/584 Interior Design So Very Social (Zimmer, Linda)
IARC 484 Interior Design Making Space for Art and Culture (Mighell, Merike)
IARC 486/586 Furniture Design Norwegian Wood and Danish Cord (Olsen, Cory)

Winter 2023

Architecture Courses

ARCH 202 Design Skills (Daisy Williams)
ARCH 406/606 Practicum Off Campus Experience (Karen Williams)
ARCH 407/507 Sem The Social Potential of Manufacturing (Michael Zaretsky)
ARCH 410/510 Building Info Model Revit (Mary Polites) Dual Location
ARCH 410/510 Aalto’s Daylighting (Virginia Cartwright) Adv Tech but take with 1 cr Sp Pr Aalto’s Daylighting
ARCH 410/510 Advanced Mass Timber Design (Judith Sheine) Adv Tech
ARCH 410/510 Detailing Sustainable, Affordable Housing (Clay Neal) Adv Tech
ARCH 417/517 Context Arch Profession (Karen Williams and John Rowell) Dual Location
ARCH 423/523 Top Media Design Development Fine Grained Urbanism (Philip Speranza)
ARCH 423/523 Top Media Design Development (Jim Givens)
ARCH 431/531 Community Design (Ceara O’Leary)
ARCH 435/535 Principles of Urban Design  Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Practice (Gerry Gast) Dual Location
ARCH 440/540 Human Context of Design (Mark Gillem)
ARCH 458/558 Types and Typology The Urban Building and Urban Space (Howard Davis)
ARCH 462/562 Structural Design (Norm Faris)
ARCH 480/580 Superv Design Teaching (Karen Williams)
ARCH 491/591 Envir Control Systems I (Tom Hahn and Siohban Rockcastle)
ARCH 661 Tech Teaching Subj Arch Technical Teaching in ARCH (Alison Kwok)
ARCH xxx Title (Instructor)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 407/507 Sem Domestic Scenes (E Hagenlocher)
IARC 471/571 Interior Construction Elements (C Olsen)
IARC 473/573 Working Drawings for IARC  (Kelsey Buzzell)

Interior Architecture Studios

IARC 484/584 Interior Design Sensory Branding: Living Future Expo (K Ahn)
IARC 486/586 Furniture Design Studio The Perfect Fit (Cory Olsen)
IARC 487/587 Working Drawings Studio (J Fribley)
IARC 488/588 IARC Comprehensive Studio (Linda Zimmer)

Architecture Introductory Studios

ARCH 283 Title (Jim Givens, Sami Chohan, Tim Hilton, Hans Minder, Abe Kelso, Amy Arroyo)
ARCH 682 Title (Don Corner)

Architecture Intermediate Studios

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design The Craft of Design: A Winery in the Dundee Hills of Oregon (Stephen Duff)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Pompidou 2 (Mary Polites)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Sisters: Leveraging Civic Assets for Community Resilience (Ceara O’Leary)
ARCH484/584 Arch Design High Performance Wood Morphologies (Dylan Wood)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Filling in the Middle (Peter Keyes)

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Winter/Spring 2023

ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I CO-LIVING for Changing Families (Nancy Cheng)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Food, Building, Performance: Architectures of Productive Urbanism (Howard Davis)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I A Living Lawrence… (Tom Hahn)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Infill Repair Terminal Studio (Clay Neal)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Architectural Competition for the Portland Museum of Art (Jim Tice)

Art History Courses

ARH 315 Hist of World Arch I (K Eggener) Arch History Renaissance and Modern RESERVED DISC SECTIONS FOR ARCH/IARC CRN’S 25817 AND 25821 Tuesday or Thursday 3:00 PM-3:50 PM
ARH 410/510 ARCH Expanded Field (E Scott) Arch History Modern
ARH 465/565 American Architectect II (K Eggener) Art History Modern
ARCH 458/558 Types and Typology (Howard Davis) Arch History Modern
ARH 457/557 Top Ven Biennale (K Mondloch) Arch History Modern
LA 474/574 History of Landscape Architecture (M Eischeid) Arch History Renaissance
ARCH 407/507 The Social Potential of Manufacturing (Michael Zaretsky) Arch History Modern

Spring 2023

Architecture and Interior Architecture Courses

ARCH 222 Introduction to Architectural Computer Graphics (Polites, Mary)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Spatial Justice (Chohan, Sami)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Sustainable Urbanism (Larco, Nico) Dual Location Course
ARCH 410/510 Passive House Design and Detailing (Kwok, Alison) Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Wood Fab 1 – Computational Design and Fabrication for Timber Construction (Wood, Dylan) Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Natural Building Systems (Hahn, Tom) Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Building Information Model Systems Revit (TBA)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Dreaming in Animation Space (Mark, Earl)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Forms & Processes for Performance (Cheng, Nancy)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development The Atmospheric Detail (Kelso, Abe)
ARCH 430/530 Architectural Contexts: Place and Culture (Davis, Howard and Ceara O’Leary)
ARCH 439/539 Minimal Dwelling (Neal, Clay)
ARCH 480/580 Supervised Design Teaching (Hagenlocher, Esther)
ARCH 492/592 Environmental Control Systems II (Elzeyadi, Ihab)
ARCH 4/593 M  Passive Cooling (Rempel, Alexandra) Advanced Technology Dual Location
ARCH 678 Advanced Research Methods in Sustainable Design (Kwok, Alison)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 407/507 Sem Furniturisation: A Typology of the In-Between (Zimmer, Linda)
IARC 447/547 Color Theory (Hagenlocher, Esther)
IARC 472/572 Interior Finishes and Design Application (Fuller, Leah)
IARC 476/576 History of Interior Architecture III (Kive, Solmaz Mohammadzadeh)

Approved for Architectural History Courses

ARH 316 Gothic Architecture (Hutterer, M)
ARH 322 Ancient Grk Art & Arch (Bacchi, A)
ARH 399 Sp St Ren Ba Arch (Eggener, K)
ARH 425/525 Top Art Arch & Crusade (Hutterer, M)
ARH 462/562 Modern Arch (Eggener, K)
IARC 476/576 Hist Interior Arch III (Kive, Solmaz)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Spatial Justice Touching the Earth Lightly (Chohan, Sami)

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 284 Architectural Design II (Hagenlocher, Esther and Daisy Williams, Bonnie Dominguez, Merike Mighell, Abe Kelso, Tim Hilton, Hans Minder, Gwynne Mhuireach)
ARCH 384 Architectural Design IV The Hub for Dramatic Arts (Siobhan Rockcastle, Virginia Cartwright, Stephen Duff, Atousa Momenaie, Andrew Schular)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios (Register for ARCH PHANTOM Studio during Initial Registration)

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Building Curiosities and Connections (Chohan, Sami)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Rapid Shelter Healing Landscape (Mark, Earl)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design OregonBILDS (Ota, Roger and Jessup, Britni)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Living Synergies: Nature-based Architecture for Integrated Elderly Living in PortugalCompetition Information (Polites, Mary)

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios (Register for IARC PHANTOM Studio during Initial Registration)

IARC 484/584 Interior Design Multi-Family Housing Designing from the Inside Out (Arroyo, Amy)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design  JSMA Today (Kive, Solmaz)
IARC 486/586 Furniture Design CH(AI)RS (Olsen, Cory)

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Spring 2023

ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II CO-LIVING for Changing Families (Nancy Cheng)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II Food, Building, Performance: Architectures of Productive Urbanism (Howard Davis)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II A Living Lawrence… (Tom Hahn)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II Infill Repair Terminal Studio (Clay Neal)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design II Architectural Competition for the Portland Museum of Art (Jim Tice)

Design Interior Architecture Comprehensive Studio

IARC 489/589 Interior Design Comprehensive Project II (Zimmer, Linda)


Summer 2023

Architecture Courses

ARCH 410/510 Passive House Design & Detail (HahnTom) Advanced Technology In Person and Online
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Rudiments of Form (Kelso, Abe)
ARCH 610 Global Modern Architecture (Chohan, Sami)
ARCH 611 Grad Design Process (TBA)

Architecture Studios

ARCH 680 Intro to Grad Design (TBA)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design The Craft of Design (Duff, Stephen)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Cyclespaces Cycleplaces Cyclescapes (Hahn, Tom)


Fall 2021

Architecture Courses

ARCH 201 Introduction to Architecture (Givens, Jim)
ARCH 406/606 Sp Pr Electric Light (tba) Advanced Technology if taken with IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting
ARCH 407/507 Building Ecology (Donofrio, Mark) Advanced Technology
ARCH 409/609 Prac Univ Teaching (tba)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (TBA)
ARCH 410/510 High Performance Buildings Skin Deep: High Performance Dynamics Facades (Elzeyadi, Ihab) Advanced Technology
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Development Digital Collage Techniques (Williams, Daisy)
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Development Parametric Design Video Available for Review in Course Description (Cheng, Nancy)
ARCH 435/535 Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Critical Practice (Gast, Gerry)
ARCH 450/550 Spatial Composition (Tice, James)
ARCH 461/561 Structural Behavior (Duff, Stephen)
Note: This class begins one week before the first day of Fall classes.
A condensed preparation course will meet mtwrf 10:00 AM-11:50 AM Break 4:00 PM – 5:50 PM 9/20 – 9/24/2021
ARCH 470/570 Building Construction (Hahn, Tom)
ARCH 471/571 Building Enclosure (Rowell, John & Houston, Martin)
ARCH 607 Seminar Track II/Eugene Contemporary Issues in Architecture (Kwok, Alison)
ARCH 610 Intro Arch Computing (Speranza, Philip)
ARCH 620 Research Methods in Sustainable Design REMOTE (Gillem, Mark)
ARCH 661 Technical Teaching in Architecture (Kwok, Alison)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 204 Understanding Contemporary Interiors (Ahn, Kyuho)
IARC 407/507 Alternative Spatial Perspectives, Practices and Productions (Global South in Focus) (Chohan, Sami)
IARC 444/544 Furniture: Theory and Analysis (Zimmer, Linda)
IARC 445/545 Comprehensive Project Preparation (Hagenlocher, Esther)
IARC 474/574 History Interior Archictecture I (Kive, Mohammadzadeh Solmaz)
IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting (Rockcastle, Siobhan)

Approved for Architectural/Interior Architecture History Courses

ARH Course Brochure

ARH 314 Hist of World Architecture I (Hutterer, M) ARCH History Renaissance or Modern
ARH 465/565 American Architect II (Eggener, K) ARCH History Modern
ARH 481/581 Chinese Architecture (Gasparini, C) ARCH History Modern
IARC 474/574 Hist Interior Arch I (Kive, Mohammadzadeh Solmaz ARCH History Ancient-Gothic

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 383 Architectural Design III (Givens, Jim, )
ARCH 681 Intro Graduate Design (Thallon, Rob)
ARCH 681 Intro Graduate Design (Duff, Stephen)
ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II (Vandenwymelenburg, Kevin)
ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II (TBA)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Housing “Boot Camp” Studio (Fifield, Michael)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Timber Tectonics in the Digital Age (Cheng, Nancy)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design iHub, Uhub, wehub (Guivernau, Sebastian) ALTERNATE TIMEStudio offered Wednesday, Friday 12:00 PM-5:50 PM
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design The Federal Design Studio (Gillem, Mark) REMOTE – ALTERNATE TIME Studio offered Wednesday, Friday 12:00 PM-5:50 PM
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Rebuilding Cornerstones Black Domesticity (Clarke, Robert)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Centro socio-ambiental Bosque Metropolitano (Speranza, Philip) – ALTERNATE TIMEStudio offered Wednesday, Friday 12:00 PM-5:50 PM
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design OREGONBILDS STUDIO :: HOPE LOOP HOUSE 6 (Hahn, Tom)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Fire Station 13 (Moye, Gary)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Housing for the Current Crisis (Powell, Jarrod & Roger Ota)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Trauma-Informed Design: Can Architecture Heal? (Aaraj, Grace)

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios

IARC 484 Interior Design Feel.Deal.Heal Cleveland Behavioral Health Clinic (Zimmer, Linda co-taught Sami Chohan)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design Feel.Deal.Heal Cleveland Behavioral Health Clinic (Chohan, Sami co-taught Linda Zimmer)
IARC 486/586 Furniture: Studio Furniture Studio In Case Of… (Olsen, Cory) All IARC Graduate students are encouraged to take IARC 610 Graduate studio (below).

Design Interior Architecture Grad Studio

IARC 610 Graduate Interior Design DISCOURSE Reimmagining Community Living in London (Hagenlocher, Esther)

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Winter/Spring 2022

ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Nordic Cultural Center Presentation (Cartwright, Virginia )
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Vancouver Symphony Hall Presentation (Clarke, Scott)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Building Economy Maintenance Ecology Presentation (Donofrio, Mark )
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I React: Regrowth: Resilience Presentation (Hahn, Tom)


Winter 2022

Architecture Courses

ARCH 202 Design Skills (Williams, Daisy)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Spatial Justice Reimagining Humanity (Satoh, Junichi)
ARCH 409/609 Practicum Off Campus Experience (TBA)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit Data Informed Design Integration (Speranza, Philip)- Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland
ARCH 410/510 Building Simulation & Visualization (Rockcastle, Siobhan)  Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Advanced Mass Timber Design (Sheine, Judith) Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Urbanism Next: Future Cities (Nico Larco) – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland
ARCH 417/517  Context of the Profession (Eugene and Portland) (Williams, Karen and Linda Czopek) – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Design Process Media: From Concept to Building (Givens, Jim)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Data Killed the Drawing Star (Speranza, Philip)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Advanced Digital Practices (Clarke, Robert)
ARCH 439/539 Minimal Dwelling (Fifield, Michael)
ARCH 440/540 Human Context of Design (Gillem, Mark and Siobhan Rockcastle) – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland
ARCH 462/562 Structural Design (Donofrio, Mark) – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland
ARCH 480/580 Supervised Design Teaching (Moore, Erin)
ARCH 491/591 Environmental Control Systems I (Kwok, Alison and Tom Hahn)
ARCH 494M/594M Passive Heating Seminar (Rempel, Alexandra) Advanced Technology – Dual Location Course Eugene and Portland
ARCH 606 Sp Pr History of Sustainable Design (Davis, Howard)
ARCH 619 Technical Teaching in Architecture (Kwok, Alison)
ARCH 633 History of Sustainable Design (Davis, Howard)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 407/507 Seminar Spatial Justice Finding Form (Chohan, Sami)
IARC 471/571 Interior Construction Elements (Zimmer, Linda)
IARC 473/573 Working Drawings for IARC (Kelso, Abe)
IARC 475/575 History of Interior Architecture II (Mohammadzadeh Kive, Solmaz)

Approved for Architectural/Interior Architecture History Courses

ARH Course Brochure

ARH 315 Hist of World Architecture II (Eggener, Keith) ARCH History Renaissance or Modern
ARH 457/557 Top Land + Environ Art (Scott, Emily Eliza) ARCH History Modern
IARC 475/575 Hist Interior Arch II (Kive, Mohammadzadeh Solmaz) ARCH History Renaissance
HIST 399 American Urban History (Howell, O ) ARCH History Modern approved undergrads only

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 283 Architectural Design I (Moore, Erin, Jim Givens, Nasrin Golshany, Junichi Satoh, Hans Minder, TBD )
ARCH 682 Intro Graduate Design (TBA)
ARCH 682 Intro Graduate Design (TBA)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios (Register for ARCH PHANTOM Studio during Initial Registration)

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Make/Do: A Net Zero Elementary School (Elzeyadi, Ihab)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design The Paul Marie Letarouilly Architectural Foundation, Paris France (Tice, James)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Micro-Industrial Urbanism (Davis, Howard)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design The Craft of Design: Newport Marine Innovation Center (Duff, Stephen)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Super Bodega (Clarke, Robert)

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios (Register for IARC PHANTOM Studio during Initial Registration)

IARC 484 Interior Design Continual Becoming (Sami Chohan)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design Three Stages (Mohammadzadeh Kive, Solmaz)
IARC 486/586 Furniture Design Under the Open Sky: Reimaging Living Outdoors (Hagenlocher, Esther) Architecture Majors encouraged (1 studio outside of ARCH major opportunity)
IARC 487/587 Working Drawings Studio (Fribley, Jenna)

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Winter 2022

ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Nordic Cultural Center Presentation (Cartwright, Virginia )
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Vancouver Symphony Hall Presentation (Clarke, Scott)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Building Economy Maintenance Ecology Presentation (Donofrio, Mark )
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I React: Regrowth: Resilience Presentation (Hahn, Tom)

Design Interior Architecture Comprehensive Studio

IARC 488/588 Interior Design Comprehensive Project (Zimmer, Linda)


Spring 2022

Architecture and Interior Architecture Courses

ARCH 222 Introduction to Architectural Computer Graphics (Speranza, Philip)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Spatial Justice DA Culture’s Art, Design & Philosophy (Clarke, Robert)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Sustainable Urbanism (Larco, Nico) Dual Location Course
ARCH 407/507 Humanitarian Design & Appropriate Technologies in Tanzania (Zaretsky, Michael)
ARCH 410/510 Advanced Technology Detailing (Alonso, Gonzalo) Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Passive House Design and Detailing (Kwok, Alison) Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Building Information Model Systems Revit (Speranza, Philip)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Computer Animation and Storytelling (Mark, Earl)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Utility Futures (Moore, Erin)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Watercolor Sketching (Tice, James)
ARCH 430/530 Architectural Contexts: Place and Culture (Davis, Howard and Juichi Satoh) Dual Location Course
ARCH 431/531 Community Design (Fifield, Michael)
ARCH 437/537 Theory of Urban Design II (Fowler, Justin) Dual Location Course
ARCH 480/580 Supervised Design Teaching (Minder, Hans)
ARCH 492/592 Environmental Control Systems II (Elzeyadi, Ihab)
ARCH 4/593 M  Passive Cooling (Rempel, Alexandra) Advanced Technology Dual Location
ARCH 607 Sem Tall Wood Design Institute (Sheine, Judith) Advanced Technology
ARCH 678 Advanced Research Methods in Sustainable Design (Kwok, Alison)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 407/507 Seminar Prototype (Olsen, Cory)
IARC 447/547 Color Theory and Application for the Built Environment (Hagenlocher, Esther)
IARC 472/572 Interior Finishes and Design Application (Fuller, Leah)
IARC 476/576 History of Interior Architecture III (Kive, Solmaz Mohammadzadeh)

Approved for Architectural History Courses

ARH 210 Contemporary Asian Art & Architecture (TBA)
ARH 358 History of Design (Ciglia, S)
ARH 410/510 ARCH Expanded Field (Scott, E)
ARH 462/562 Modern Architecture (Eggener, K) ARCH majors: email for ARH 206 pre-requisite override
ARH 466/566 American Architect III (Eggener, K)

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 284 Architectural Design II (Minder, Hans and Daisy Williams, Clay Adams, Sami Chohan, James Tice)
ARCH 384 Architectural Design IV (Duff, Stephen and Megan Haight, Clay Neal, John Rowell, Robert Clarke)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios (Register for ARCH PHANTOM Studio during Initial Registration)

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Oregon (USA) versus Galicia (Spain) (Alonso, Gonzalo)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Dwelling, Not Housing (Davis, Howard)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Adaptive Rapid Shelter Forcibly Displaced People (Mark, Earl)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design MINE SEED (Moore, Erin)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Re-Designing Humanity (Satoh, Juichi)

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios (Register for IARC PHANTOM Studio during Initial Registration)

IARC 484/584 Interior Design Weaving Interior Space (Hagenlocher, Esther)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design Coastal Restaurant in Florence, OR (Tow, Peter)
IARC 486/586 Furniture Design Seating Siblings (Olsen, Cory)

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Spring 2022

ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I Nordic Cultural Center Presentation (Cartwright, Virginia )
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I Vancouver Symphony Hall Presentation (Clarke, Scott)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I Building Economy Maintenance Ecology Presentation (Donofrio, Mark )
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I React: Regrowth: Resilience Presentation (Hahn, Tom)

Design Interior Architecture Comprehensive Studio

IARC 489/589 Interior Design Comprehensive Project II (Zimmer, Linda)

Summer 2022

Architecture Courses

ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (TBA)
ARCH 610 Global Modern Architecture (TBA)
ARCH 611 Grad Design Process (TBA)

Architecture Studios

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Resiliency Arising (Hahn, Tom)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design The Craft of Design: Steam and Pressure (Duff, Stephen)
ARCH 680 Intro Grad Design (Olsen, Cory)
ARCH 680 Intro Grad Design (Givens, Jim)


Academic Year 2020-21

Fall 2020 | Winter 2021 | Spring 2021 | Summer 2021

Fall 2020

Architecture Courses

ARCH 201 Intro to Architecture (Givens, Jim)
ARCH 406/606 Sp Pr Electric Light (tba) Advanced Technology if taken with IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting
ARCH 407/507 Modeling at All Scales (Donofrio, Mark) Also a Terminal Prep Course
ARCH 407/507 Terminal Studio Prep House of Learning (Hagenlocher, Esther)
ARCH 407/507 Terminal Studio Prep Foodspace: Terminal Studio Seminar (Davis, Howard)
ARCH 407/507 Modeling at All Scales (Donofrio, Mark) Advanced Technology
ARCH 409/609 Prac Univ Teaching (tba)
ARCH 410/510 Housing Parameters (Keyes, Peter) Also a Terminal Prep Course
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (Mladinov)
ARCH 410/510 High Performance Buildings (Elzeyadi, Ihab)
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Development Granularity of Time in Urban Design (Speranza, Philip)
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Development Digital Collage Techniques (Williams, Daisy)
ARCH 431/531 Community Design (Fifield, Michael)
ARCH 450/550 Spatial Composition (Larco, Nico and Gzyl, Stefan)
ARCH 461/561 Structural Behavior (Duff, Stephen)
ARCH 470/570 Building Construction (Hahn, Tom)
ARCH 471/571 Building Enclosure (Corner, Don & Rowell, John)
ARCH 607 Seminar Track II/Eugene (Gillem, Mark)
ARCH 610 Intro Arch Computing (Speranza, Philip)
ARCH 620 Res Meth Sustain Des (Kwok, Alison)
ARCH 661 Teach Tech Subjects Architecture (Kwok, Alison)

Interior Architecture Courses

History of Art and Architecture Winter 2021 Course Brochure

IARC 204 Understanding Contemporary Interiors (Ahn)
IARC 444/544 Furniture: Theo/Analy (Zimmer, Linda)
IARC 445/545 Comprehensive Project Preparation (tba)
IARC 474/574 Hist Interior Arch I (Kive, Mohammadzadeh Solmaz)
IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting (Cartwright, Virginia)

Approved for Architectural/Interior Architecture History Courses

ARH Course Brochure

ARH 315 Hist of World Architecture III (tba) ARCH History Renaissance or Modern
ARH 348 Rome in the Age of Bernini (Harper, J) ARCH History Renaissance
ARH 466/566 American Architect III (Eggener, K) ARCH History Modern
ARH 485/585 Top Japanese Art (tba) ARCH History Modern
IARC 474/574 Hist Interior Arch I (Kive, Mohammadzadeh Solmaz ARCH History Ancient-Gothic

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 383 Architectural Design III (tba)
ARCH 681 Intro Graduate Design (Duff, Stephen)
ARCH 681 Intro Graduate Design (Brode, Juli)
ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II (Mladinov, Jerolim)
IARC 610 Graduate Interior Design Repurposing the Tower: From Home to Home/Work (Zimmer, Linda)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Timber Techtonics in the Digital Age (Cheng, Nancy & Riggio, Mariapaola)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Luzbella: Envisioning a New Seat of Government for a Future Post-Colonial Puerto Rico (Bonnin, Javier)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Working at Home (and nearby): A prototypical urban building of the post-Covid era (Davis, Howard)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design REMOTE The Ski Studio (Gillem, Mark)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Universal University (Guivernau, Sebastian)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design REMOTE University of Oregon Field Station-Depot Bay (Cartwright, Virginia)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Housing “Boot Camp” Studio (Fifield, Michael)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design REMOTE Beautiful Building for Migrants and Refugees (Neis, Hajo)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design A New School of Architecture and Environment (Thallon, Rob)

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios

IARC 484/584 Interior Design Museum of the Shattered Monument (Kive, Mohammadzadeh Solmaz)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design Interiors through a New Lens (Cunningham, Anne)
IARC 486/586 Furniture: Studio Syallabus (Olsen, Cory)

Design Interior Architecture Intermediate Graduate Studio

IARC 610 Graduate Interior Design Repurposing the Tower (Zimmer, Linda)

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Winter/Spring 2021

ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I FOODSPACE Course Description & Presentation (Davis, Howard)
ARH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Building Economy Maintenance Ecology Course Description & Presentation (Donofrio, Mark)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I House of Learning Course Description & Presentation (Hagenlocher, Esther)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Reframing Housing & Presentation (Keyes, Peter)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Mass Timber Design Studio Course Description & Presentation (Sheine, Judith)

Winter 2021 (All Architecture and Interior Architecture Winter Courses are Remote)

University of Oregon Architecture Courses

Architecture Courses

ARCH 202 Design Skills (Williams, Daisy)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Refugee Housing Refugees in the 21st Century: Architecture Role in Problem-Solving (Aaraj, Grace)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Entrepreneurism (Guivernau, Sebastian)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Architecture with an Expiration Date (tba)
ARCH 410/510 Building Info Model Revit Intro to Revit (Mladinov, Jerolim)
ARCH 410/510 Building Health (Vandenwymelenburg, Kevin VDW) Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Building Simulation and Visualization (Rockcastle, Sioban) Advanced Technology
PPPM 410/510 Housing for All: Race, Ethnicity, and discrimination in U.S. Housing (Buckley, James)
ARCH 417/517 Context Arch Professions (Rowell, John & Williams, Karen)
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Development Design Process Media: From Concept to Building (Givens, James)
ARCH 423/523 Top Media for Design Development Biomimicry & Parametric Design (Cheng, Nancy)
ARCH 440/540 Human Context of Design in the Age of Corona (Gillem, & Young)
ARCH 462/562 Structural Design (Donofrio, Mark)
ARCH 480/580 Supervised Design Teaching Teaching Assistants ARCH 283 Nancy Cheng
ARCH 491/591 Environmental Control Systems I (Kwok, Alison & Hahn, Tom)
ARCH 494M/594M Passive Heating (Remple, Alexandra) Advanced Technology
ARCH 620 Research Methods Sustainable Design (Kwok, Alison)
ARCH 661 Technical Teaching Subjects Architecture (Kwok, Alison)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 471/571 Interior Construction Elements (Olsen, Cory)
IARC 473/573 Working Drawings for IARC (Buzzell, Kelsey)
IARC 475/575 History of Interior Architecture II (Kive, Solmaz)

Approved for Architectural/Interior Architecture History Courses

Spring 2021 Art History Course Brochure
ARH 314 Hist of World Architecture I (Hutterer) ARCH History Ancient or Renaissance
ARH 399 Modern and Contemporary Architecture in East Asia ARCH History Modern
ARH 421/521
Cultural Interaction in Greek and Roman Art and Architecture ARCH History Ancient-Gothic
ARH 425/525
Time in Medieval Art and Architecture (Hutterer) ARCH History Ancient-Gothic
ARH 457/557
Land and Environment (Hutterer) ARCH History Modern
LA 474/574 History of Landscape Architecture I ARCH History Renaissance
IARC 475/575 Hist Interior Arch II (Kive, Mohammadzadeh Solmaz ) ARCH History Renaissance

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 283 Architectural Design I: Architecture & Environment (Minder, Bonnin, Fuller, Mladinov, Aaraj, Golshany)
ARCH 682 Intro Graduate Design (Corner, Don)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Urban Housing (Cartwright, Virginia)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design The Craft of Design: Cabins and Kinetics (Duff)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design On the Fringe: A Net-Zero Elementary School (Elzeyadi, Ihab)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Fine-Grained Architecture Studio (Speranza, Philip)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Learning: Living: Harmony (Hahn)

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios

IARC 484/584 Interior Design Center for the Study of Racism in Oregon (Givens)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design Science/Fiction/Virtual/Reality (Olsen, Cory)
IARC 486/586 Furniture Design (Bonamici, Tom)
IARC 487/587 Working Drawings (Fribley, Jenna)

Interior Architecture Comprehensive Studios

IARC 488/588 Interior Design Comp Project I (Buzzell, Kelsey)
IARC 488/588 Interior Design Comp Project I (Zimmer, Linda)

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Winter/Spring 2021

ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I FOODSPACE Course Description & Presentation (Davis, Howard)
ARH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Building Economy Maintenance Ecology Course Description & Presentation (Donofrio, Mark)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I House of Learning Course Description & Presentation (Hagenlocher, Esther)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Reframing Housing & Presentation (Keyes, Peter)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I Mass Timber Design Studio Course Description & Presentation (Sheine, Judith)

Spring 2021

Architecture Courses

ARCH 222 Intro Arch Comp Graph Design Communication II (Speranza, Philip)
ARCH 410/510 Building Info Model Revit Introduction to Revit (Mladinov, Jerolim)
ARCH 410/510 Natural Building Systems (Hahn, Tom) Advanced Technology
ARCH 410/510 Passive House Design & Details (Kwok, Alison) Advanced Technology
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Dev Remote Media Seminar: Unbuiltworks: CSH Revisited (Olsen, Cory)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Dev Design Process Media: From Concept to Building (Givens, Jim)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Dev Real – Time Environments (Leahy, John)
ARCH 430/530 Architectural Contexts: Place and Culture (Keyes, Peter & Davis, Howard)
ARCH 435/535 Prin Urban Design (Gast, Gerry)
ARCH 438/538 Housing Prototypes (Fifield, Michael)
ARCH 480/580 Superv Design Teaching (Williams, Daisy)
ARCH 492/592 Environmental Control Systems II Architecture and Senses (Elzeyadi, Ihab)
ARCH 4/593M Passive Cooling Seminar (Remple, Alexandra) Advanced Technology
ARCH 495/595 Daylighting (Vandenwymelenburg, Kevin VDW) Advanced Technology
ARCH 678 Adv Res Sustain Des Advanced Research Methods (Rockcastle, Siobhan)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 407/507 Sem Architecture and Power (Mohammadzadeh Kive, Solmaz)
IARC 447/547 Color Theory & Application (Hagenlocher, Esther)
IARC 472/572 Interior Finishes + Design Application (Raymond, Alexandra)
IARC 476/576 History of Interior Architecture III (Mohammadzadeh Kive, Solmaz)

Approved for Architectural/Interior Architecture History Courses

ARH Course Brochure

ARH 317 Romanesque Architect (Hutterer, M) ARCH History Ancient-Gothic
ARH 325 Islamic Art (Gasparini, C) ARCH History Ancient-Gothic
ARH 358 History of Design (de Laforcade, S) ARCH History Modern
IARC 407/507 Sem Architecture and Power (Mohammadzadeh Kive, Solmaz) ARCH History Modern
ARH 410/510 Ital Renaisssance Villa (Harper, J) ARCH History Renaissance
ARH 425/525 Identity Medieval Art (Hutterer, M) ARCH History Ancient-Gothic
IARC 475/576 History of Interior Architecture III (Kive, Mohammadzadeh Solmaz) ARCH History Modern
LA 475/575 Hist Landscape Architecture II (Eischeid, Mark) ARCH History Modern

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 284 Architectural Design II (Williams, Golshany, Bonnin, Minder)
ARCH 384 Architectural Design IV Institute for Culinary Arts (Matt Bunza, Jim Givens, Sebastian Guivernau, Tom Hahn, Maria Coronado Cabrera, Siobhan Rockcastle (Coordinator), Sun Xiaonuan)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Housing Design for the Unpredictable Futures (Mladinov, Jerolim)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Steam Plant Mixed Use (Rowell, John)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design The Craft of Design: A Boutique Winery in Oregon (Duff, Stephen)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Rosa Village (Thallon, Rob
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design The Integrated Studio | The Ballet Studio (Rizi Faruqui, Bang Dang, Wendy Hurtado, Brenden Wohltjen, Lili Morales)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design: Designing the Open City (Gyzl, Stefan)

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios

IARC 484/584 Interior Design Creekside Café & Lounge (Ahn, Kyuho)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design 10 Days 10 Nights (Tackett, Ashley)
IARC 486/586 Furniture Design (Olsen, Cory)

Design Comprehensive Terminal Studios—Winter/Spring 2021

ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I FOODSPACE Course Description & Presentation (Davis, Howard)
ARH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I Building Economy Maintenance Ecology Course Description & Presentation (Donofrio, Mark)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I House of Learning Course Description & Presentation (Hagenlocher, Esther)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I Reframing Housing & Presentation (Keyes, Peter)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I Mass Timber Design Studio Course Description & Presentation (Sheine, Judith)

Summer 2021

Architecture Courses

ARCH 410/510 Building Info Model Revit (Czégé, Katalin)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Dev (Givens, Jim)
ARCH 610 Global Modern Architecture (Bambury, Jill)
ARCH 611 Grad Design Process (Kelso, Hevey, Kostic)

Architecture Studios

ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Knowing Nature (Tom Hahn)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design The Craft of Design: The Signature Cabin (Stephen Duff)
ARCH 680 Intro Graduate Design (Kostic, Ivan/Speranza, Philip
ARCH 680 Intro Graduate Design (Hevey, Gillian/Speranza, Philip)
ARCH 680 Intro Graduate Design (Kelso, Abe/Speranza, Philip)

Approved for Architectural/Interior Architecture History Courses

ARH 210 Cntmp Asian Art & Arch (Cole, J) ARCH History Modern
ARH 314 History of World Arch I (Chitwood, G) ARCH History Ancient-Renaissance

Academic Year 2019-20

Fall 2019 | Winter 2020 | Spring 2020 | Summer 2020

2019-2020 Schedule Overview

Fall 2019

Approved Architecture Major Art History/ABT & Historic Preservation Minor Courses

Approved SAE Cross Disciplinary Courses ARCH – IARC – LA

Fall Term Final Review Schedule

Architecture Courses

ARCH 201 Introduction to Architecture (Givens)
HUM 300 Themes in Humanities (Cartwright)
ARCH 399 Design Thinking (Williams)
ARCH 4/507 Seminar Terminal/Capstone Studio Prep
ARCH 4/609 Prac Off Campus Experience (Poticha)
ARCH 4/508 Grasshopper Parametric Design (Cheng)
ARCH 4/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (tba)
ARCH 4/510 Bldg Int Liv Des Sust (Thallon)
ARCH 4/510 Resilient Housing (Keyes)
ARCH 4/510 High Performance Buildings Skin-Deep: High Performance Dynamic Facades (Elzeyadi)
ARCH 4/523 Media for Design Development Ways of Seeing (Menna Agha)
ARCH 4/523 Media for Design Development Digital Design Techniques (Williams)
ARCH 4/550 Spatial Composition (Tice)
ARCH 4/561 Structural Behavior (Duff)
ARCH 4/570 Building Construction (Hahn)
ARCH 4/571 Building Enclosure (Corner)
ARCH 610 Design Communication II : Intro to Arch Comp & Syllabus (Polites)
ARCH 620 Research Methods Sustainable Design (Kwok)
ARCH 661 Teaching Technical Subjects in Architecture (Kwok)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 204 Under Contemp Inter (Ahn)
ARCH 4/609 Prac Off Campus Experience (Poticha)
IARC 4/574 History of Interior Architecture I (Kive)
IARC 4/544 Furniture: Theo/Analy (Zimmer)
IARC 4/592 Electric Lighting (Rockcastle)

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 383 Architectural Des III The Library Urban Futures and an Evolving Typology (Chaiwat, Givens, Hahn, Minder, Murthy, Smith)
ARCH 681 Intro Graduate Design (Duff)
ARCH 683 Arch Design Track II (Cartwright)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios

ARCH 4/584 Arch Design Superleggera Auto Research and Testing Facility (Brode)
ARCH 4/584 Arch Design The Open Theater: Making Drama Visible (Davis)
ARCH 4/584 Arch Design Indigenous Space, Town and Building (Bonnin)
ARCH 4/584 Arch Design Reimagining Spaces for Tomorrow’s Thinkers (Rivera)
ARCH 4/584 Arch Design Housing “Boot Camp” (Fifield)
ARCH 4/584 Arch Design Mass Timber Clackamus County Courthouse (Sheine/Van Den Wymelenberg)
ARCH 4/584 Arch Design OregonBILDS (Thallon)
ARCH 4/584 Arch Design North End Recreation Center Boston (Mladinov)
ARCH 4/584 Arch Design The House as a Political (Menna Agha)

Interior Architecture Intermediate Studios/Terminal Studio Prep Courses

IARC 445 Comp Project Prep (Zimmer)
IARC 4/584 Interior Design Anecdotes (Fuller)
IARC 4/584 Interior Design The Invisible Half (Kive)
IARC 4/586 Furniture Design (Olsen)

Winter 2020

Approved Architecture Major Art History/ABT & Historic Preservation Minor Courses

Winter Term Final Review Schedule

Architecture Courses

DSGN 410/510 Universal Design for Healthy Aging: Mobility, Metrics and Memory Syllabus and Application and Course Description (Solowski, Fretz, Hagenlocher, Salter) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
ARCH 202 Design Skills (Agha)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Debating Spatial Justice (Agha)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Good Neighbors (Kubey)
ARCH 409/609 Practicum Off-Campus Experience (Poticha)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (Mladinov)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Int Liv Des Sust (Mladinov) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY (Change variable credit to 4)
ARCH 410/510 Aalto’s Daylighting (Cartwright) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
ARCH 410/510 Building Health It’s a Health Health Health House! (Van DenWyMelenberg) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
ARCH 417/517 Context of the Architectural Professions (Williams, Deaton)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Givens)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Polites)
ARCH 440/540 Human Context of Design (Young)
LA 459/559 Synthetic Landscapes (Geffel) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY ARCH
ARCH 462/562 Wood and Steel Building Systems (Donofrio)
ARCH 480/580 Supervised Design Teaching Teaching Assistants for ARCH 283 Studios
ARCH 491/591 Environmental Control Systems I (Kwok)
ARCH 494M/594M Passive Heating Seminar (Rempel) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
ARCH 661 Teaching Technical Subjects Architecture (Kwok)
ARCH 678 Adv Research Sustainable Design (Rockcastle)

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 407/507 Sem Domestic Scenes (Hagenlocher)
IARC 471/571 Interior Construction Elements (Olsen)
IARC 475/575 History of Interior Architecture II (Kive) ARCH History Renaissance

Approved Architectural History Courses

ARH 315 History of World Architecture II (Eggener) ARCH History Modern or Renaissance
ARH 323 Art and Architecture of Ancient Rome (Seaman) ARCH History Ancient to Gothic Rome
ARH 326 Acropolis of Athens (Hurwit) ARCH History Ancient to Gothic
LA 474/574 History of Landscape Architecture I (Eischeid) ARCH History Renaissance

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 283 Architectural Design I (Minder, Bonnin, Brode, Hagenlocher, Kive, tba, tba)
ARCH 682 Introductory Graduate Design (Corner)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design On the Edge: A Net-Zero Elementary School (Elzeyadi)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design It’s a Mod, Mod, Mod, Mod House! (Sheine)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Urban Design for the Marina Sector:Mayagüez, Puerto Rico (Tice)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Urban Generational Housing (DeLaney)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design A War Letters Museum and Living Memorial (Givens)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Camas Ridge Community Elementary School (Moye)

Interior Architecture Intermediate/Terminal Design Studios

IARC 484/584 Interior Design SERT Studio (Olsen)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design Interior Programming A Computational Approach (Maher)
IARC 486/586 Furniture Design Accessible Aesthetics (Ahn)
IARC 488/588 Interior Design Comprehensive Project I Proof of Concept (Zimmer)

Architecture Terminal/Capstone Studios

ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I – Eugene A New Library for Springfield Oregon Presentation &
Course Description Video (Cartwright)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I – Eugene GIG Architecture Presentation &
Course Description Video (Guivernau)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I – Eugene Evolving Forms of Motion Presentation &
Course Description Video (Hahn)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I – Eugene Housing for Climate Change Presentation &
Course Description Video (Keyes)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I – Eugene Just City. Just Future. Presentation &
Course Description Video (Knudson)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I – Portland Future Library Lab Presentation &
Course Description Video (BORA)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I – Portland Crossing the Border Presentation &
Course Description Video (Davis)
ARCH 485/585 Adv Architecture Design I – Portland (TBA)

Spring 2020

Architecture Courses

ARCH 222 Intro to Arch Computer Graphics (Speranza) co-requisite ARCH 284
ARCH 406/606 Naval Architecture: The Art and Science of Yacht Design (Duff) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY (Change variable credit to 4)
ARCH 407/507 Design Integration at the Building Enclosure (Corner) (Supplemental seminar for all Architecture terminal studios)
ARCH 407/507 Kinetic Architecture Design Seminar (Duff) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
ARCH 409/609 Virtual Practicum Off-Campus Experience (Poticha)
ARCH 410/510 OregonBILDS: Building Integrated Livable Designs Sustainably (Thallon) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY (Change variable credit to 4)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (Powell)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development: Visual Storytelling (Mladinov)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development: Water Color Sketching (Tice)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development: Good Neighbors Visualizing Housing Equity (Kubey)
ARCH 430/530 Architectural Contexts (Keyes)
ARCH 439/539 Minimal Dwelling (Fifield)
ARCH 476/576 Residential Construction (Givens) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
ARCH 480/580 Supervised Design Teaching (Cheng)
ARCH 492/592 Environmental Control Systems II (Elzeyadi)
ARCH 494M/594M Passive Cooling (Rempel) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY

Interior Architecture Courses

IARC 447/547 Color Theory (Hagenlocher)
IARC 472/572 Interior Finishes and Design Application (Fuller)
IARC 473/573 Working Drawings Class for IARC (Buzzell)
IARC 476/576 History of Interior Architecture III (Kive) ARCH History Modern

Approved Architectural History Courses

ARH 325 Islamic Art and Architecture ARCH History Ancient-Gothic
ARH 358 History of Design (de Laforcade S) ARCH History Modern
ARH 4/525 Medieval Building Practices (Hutterer) ARCH History Ancient-Gothic
LA 475/575 History of Landscape Architecture II ARCH History Modern

Architecture and Interior Architecture Introductory Design Studios

ARCH 284 Architecture Design II (Javier Bonnin, Alisha Camden, Nasrin Golshany, Tim Hilton, Hans Minder, Roger Otto, Megan Peters and David Sheerin)
ARCH 384 Architecture Design IV Craft/Serve/Learn (Shevy Rockcastle, Jim Givens, Jerolim Mladinov, Javier Bonnin, Hooman Parhizkar)

Architecture Intermediate Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Visualizing Health Equity (Kubey)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Guggenheim Museum, Helsinki Design Competition Revisited (Tice)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Squatter by Design/Squatter is Design (Ahmed)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design The Craft of Design (Duff)
ARCH 484/584 Architecture Design Eugene Park Blocks – Farmer’s Market – City Hall (Duff/Brode_

Interior Architecture Intermediate/Capstone Design Studios

IARC 484/584 Architectural Design Social Kitchen +! (Ahn)
IARC 484/584 Architectural Design Senior Housing: Re-Imagining Modernism at the Weissenhof Through the Ages (Hagenlocher)
IARC 487/587 Working Drawings (Fribley)
IARC 487/587 Working Drawings (Olsen)
IARC 489/589 Interior Design Comprehensive Project II (Zimmer)

Design Terminal Studios—Spring 2020

ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I – Eugene A New Library for Springfield Oregon Presentation &
Course Description Video (Cartwright)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I – Eugene GIG Architecture Presentation &
Course Description Video (Guivernau)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I – Eugene Evolving Forms of Motion Presentation &
Course Description Video (Hahn)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I – Eugene Housing for Climate Change Presentation &
Course Description Video (Keyes)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I – Eugene Just City. Just Future. Presentation &
Course Description Video (Knudson)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I – Portland Future Library Lab Presentation &
Course Description Video (BORA)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I – Portland Crossing the Border Presentation &
Course Description Video (Davis)
ARCH 486/586 Adv Architecture Design I – Portland (Bunza)

Study Abroad

OVIC 488/588 Vicenza Study Abroad CANCELLED (Young/Brode)

Summer 2020

Architecture Courses

ARCH 410/510 BIM Revit FUNdamentals (Williams, Karen)
ARCH 410/510 Passive House Design & Detail (Kwok, Alison) Advanced Technology – final PH design project done in collaboration with Hahn 4/584 studio
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Shared Streets: When Cars Lose, Parametric Places 2020 (Speranza, Philip)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development From Concept to Building Givens, Jim
LA 410/510 Environmental Data Visualization (Lee, Junhak) Fulfills a Design Media Requirement
ARCH 610 Global Modern Architecture (Cava, John)
ARCH 611 Graduate Design Process (TBA)

Design Studios

ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Room for Hope (Hahn, Tom)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design Sensory Playscapes (Rajabzadeh, Marziah)
ARCH 484/584 Architectural Design JSMA Addition and Adaptation (Bonnin, Javier)
ARCH 680 Intro Grad Arch Design I (Elzeyadi, Ihab)

Academic Year 2018-19

Fall 2018 | Winter 2019 | Spring 2019 | Summer 2019

Fall 2018 Eugene Courses

Subject Area Electives: Architectural History, Advanced Tech

Class Schedule: Architecture Fall 2018

Architecture Courses—Fall 2018

ARCH 201 Intro to Architecture (Givens)
ARCH 406/606 Sp Pr Electric Light (Rockcastle)
ARCH 409/609 Off Campus Introduction to Professional Office Practice (Poticha)
ARCH 410/510 Revit Building Fundamentals Syllabus (Buzzell)
ARCH 410/510 Building Integrated Livable Design Sustainably (Thallon)
ENVS 410/510 Climate Responsive Design (Rempel)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Devel (Utsey)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Devel – Grit, Parametric Places 2018 Syllabus (Speranza)
ARCH 435/535 Princ Urban Design (Gast)
ARCH 450/550 Spatial Composition (Nute)
ARCH 461/561 Structural Behavior Syllabus (Duff & Donofrio)
ARCH 470/570 Building Construction (Moore & Hahn)
ARCH 470/571 Building Enclosure Syllabus (Corner & Rowell)
ARCH 607 Sem Track II/Eugene – Issues in Contemporary Architecture (Gillem)
ARCH 610 Celebration of Light Syllabus (Rockcastle and Carpenter)
ARCH 610 Intro Arch ComputingSyllabus (Speranza)
ARCH 620 PUARL Seminar in Portland (Neis)
ARCH 633 Hist of Sustain Design (Gillem)

Class Schedule: Interior Architecture Fall 2018

Interior Architecture Courses—Fall 2018

IARC 204 Understanding Contemp Inter Syllabus (Ahn)
IARC 407/507 Detailing Interiors + Metrics (Dickey)
IARC 409/609 Practicum Off Campus Experience (Poticha)
IARC 444/544 Furniture: Theo/Analy (Zimmer)
IARC 474/574 Hist Interior Arch I Syllabus (Kive)
IARC 445/545 Comp Project Prep (Hagenlocher)
IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting Syllabus (Rockcastle)
IARC 610 Celebration of LightSyllabus (Rockcastle)

Design Studios—Fall 2018


ARCH 383 Living Over the Store


ARCH 4/584 JSMA Pacific Northwest Arts Center and Gallery (Bonnin)
ARCH 4/584 The Nature of Buildings (Corner)
ARCH 4/584 Housing “Micro-Industrial Urbanism” (Davis)
ARCH 4/584 The Nature of Buildings (Duff)
ARCH 4/584 Housing “Boot Camp” (Fifield)
ARCH 4/584 Transformative Urban Schools (Gast)
ARCH 4/584 “Subscription” Architecture (Guivernau)
ARCH 4/584 Gather*Connect*Enliven (Hahn)
ARCH 4/584 Refugee Housing in Portland – Regenerative Housing (Neis)
ARCH 4/584 UO Black Cultural Center (Williams)
IARC 4/584 Home Adaptive Reuse Affordable Housing (Kive)
IARC 4/584 Hospitality: A New Concept for an Experiential Hotel (Dickey)
IARC 4/586 Furniture Design Syllabus (Bonamici)

Fall 2018 Terminal Prep Courses

ARCH 4/507 Sem Terminal Prep (Scott Clarke)
ARCH 4/507 Sem Digital Practice (Mark Donofrio)
ARCH 4/538 Housing Prototypes (Michael Fifield)
ARCH 4/507 Sem Terminal Prep (Jerolim Mladinov)
ARCH 4/507 Sem Terminal Prep – Independent Research and Reading Seminar (Moore)
ARCH 4/507 Sem Terminal Prep (Kaarin Knudson)

Winter 2019 Eugene Courses

Subject Area Electives: Architectural History, Advanced Tech

Winter Term Final Review Schedule

History of Art and Architecture Winter 2019 Course Descriptions

Architecture Courses—Winter 2019

ARCH 202 Design Skills (Williams)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Mapping Rome (Tice)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Facade (Elzeyadi)
ARCH 409/609 Prac Off Campus Experience (Poticha)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (Sowby)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Int Liv Des Sust (Thallon)
ARCH 410/510 Virtual Lighting (Rockcastle)
ARCH 410/510 Bio Parametric Design (Cheng)
ARCH 417/517 Context Arch Profession (Rowell, Williams, Dickey)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Givens)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Syllabus (Mladinov)
ARCH 431/531 Community Design (Fifield)
ARCH 440/540 Human Context of Design (Gillem)
ARCH 458/558 Types and Typology – The Urban Building (Neis)
ARCH 462/562 Wood & Steel Bldg Systems (Donofrio, Duff)
ARCH 491/491 Envir Control Systems I Syllabus (Kwok, Hahn)
ARCH 494M/594M Passive Heating (Rempel)
ARCH 601 Research (Neis)
ARCH 661 Teach Tech Subj Arch (Kwok)

Class Schedule: Interior Architecture Winter 2019

Interior Architecture Courses—Winter 2019

IARC 471/571 Inter Construct Elem (Buzzell)
IARC 409/609 Practicum Off Campus Experience (Poticha)
IARC 475/575 Hist Interior Arch II (Kive)
IARC 444/544 Furniture: Theo/Analy (Zimmer)

Design Studios—Winter 2019


ARCH 283 Architectural Design I (Minder, Brode, Smith, Givens) Materials List
ARCH 682 Intro Graduate Design (Corner)
ARCH 682 Intro Graduate Design (Neis)


ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Investigate Innovate Create (Hahn)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Site “Boot Camp” Studio(Keyes)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Oregon Museum of Climate Science (Rockcastle)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Grit, Urban Design and Architecture (Speranza)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Education as a Path to Community Development (Gast)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design Urban Design for Glenwood: A Waterfront Community (Tice)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design Working Apart Together (Kive)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design Ed Roberts Collaboratives (Ahn)
IARC 486/596 Furniture Design Furniture Design (Bonamici)


ARCH 485/585 Oregon Symphony Hall (Clarke) – Video
ARCH 485/585 Manufacturing Change (Donofrio) – Video
ARCH 485/585 Housing Innovation Project (Fifield) – Video
ARCH 485/585 Learning Ecologies (Mladinov) – Video
ARCH 485/585 Undesigning Disaster: Built Structure, Social Structure (Bonnin) – Video
ARCH 485/585 Stitched Future: Inclusive Urbanism + Architecture (Kaarin Knudson) – Video
ARCH 485/585 Interface 2 (Nute) – Video
IARC 488/598 Interior Design Comprehensive Project (Zimmer)

Spring 2019 Eugene Courses

Approved Subject Area Courses ARCH – IARC – LA Architecture Advanced Technology, Architectural History and Historic Preservation Minor Approved Courses

Class Schedule: Architecture and Interior Architecture Spring 2019

Architecture Courses—Spring 2019

ARCH 222 Introduction to Architectural Computer Graphics (Speranza)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Building Time (Nute)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Case Studies in Urban Design (Gast)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Sustainable Urbanism (Tierney)
ARCH 407/507 Seminar Drawing the Future (Williams)
ARCH 408/508 Workshop Poetics of Construction (Mulligan)
ARCH 409/609 Prac Off Campus Experience (Poticha)
ARCH 410/510 Timber Techtonics Digit (Cheng & Riggio)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (Sowby)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Int Liv Des Sust (Thallon)
ARCH 410/510 Passive House Design and Detail (Kwok)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Visual Storytelling (Mladinov)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Computer Animation and Storytelling (Mark)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development Syllabus Marker Rendering (Ahn)
ARCH 430/530 Architectural Contexts (Keyes)
ARCH 457/557 The Facade (Tice)
ARCH 476/576 Residential Construction (Givens)
ARCH 480/580 Supervised Design Teaching (Faculty)
ARCH 492/592 Envir Control Systems II (Elzeyadi)
ARCH 493M/593M Passive Cooling (Rempel)
ARCH 495/595 Daylighting (Van Den Wymelenberg)
DSGN 608 Landscape Arch and Fashion Design (Lindner and Chan)

Class Schedule: Interior Architecture Spring 2019

Interior Architecture Courses—Spring 2019

ARCH 407/507 Sem Expression: Working between Hand-made and Computer Aid (Allen)
ARCH 409/609 Prac Off Campus Experience (Poticha)
ARCH 423/523 Media Des Devel: Marker Rendering (Ahn)
IARC 447/547 Color Theory & Application (Dickey)
IARC 472/572 Interior Finish/Des Applications ( Fuller)
IARC 473/573 Working Drawings for IARC (Buzzell)
IARC 476/576 History of Interior Architecture III (Kive)

Design Studios—Spring 2019


ARCH 284 Architectural Design I (Williams, Chalwat, Givens, Ahn, Brode, Minder) Materials List
ARCH 384 Architecture Design II (Smith, Rockcastle, Hahn, Tierney, Gast)


ARCH 484/584 Arch Design – Rapid Shelter Displaced People (Mark)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design – The Noyo Center for Marine Science (Neis)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design – Design for the Masieri Foundation – Venice (Tice)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Design – University Gateway Building (Thallon)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design – Tree Matter Rearrangement (Allen)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design – Integrating the Online and In Store Experience (Dickey)
IARC 487/587 Working Drawings (Fribley)

Design Terminal Studios—Spring 2019

ARCH 486/586 Oregon Symphony Hall (Clarke) – Video
ARCH 486/586 Manufacturing Change (Donofrio) – Video
ARCH 486/586 Housing Innovation Project (Fifield) – Video
ARCH 486/586 Learning Ecologies (Mladinov) – Video
ARCH 486/586 Undesigning Disaster: Built Structure, Social Structure (Bonnin) – Video
ARCH 486/586 Stitched Future: Inclusive Urbanism + Architecture (Kaarin Knudson) – Video
ARCH 486/586 Interface 2 (Nute) – Video
IARC 489/589 Interior Design Comprehensive Project (Zimmer)

Summer 2019 Eugene Courses

Architecture Courses

ARCH 4/508 Wrk Wearable Art (Rajabzadeh, Marizad)
ARCH 4/510 Bldg Info Model Revit (Powell)
ARCH 4/523 Media for Design Development: Design Process Media – From Process to Building (Givens)
ARCH 610 Global Modern Architecture (Cava)

Design Studios

ARCH 4/584 Edison Elementary School Rebuild (Moye)
ARCH 4/584 Parking and the City (Bonnin)
ARCH 4/584 Urban Acupuncture: Renovating the Historic Greyhound Bus Station for Social Housing (Deaton)
ARCH 680 Intro Graduate Design (Ahn & Volynets)

Academic Year 2017-18

Eugene Design Studios

Fall 2017—Intermediate

ARCH 484/584 Housing Bootcamp (Fifield)
ARCH 484/584 Temporal Dwelling (Nute)
ARCH 484/584 Mass Timber: Lane County Courthouse (Sheine/Donofrio) (joint studio, 32 students total)
ARCH 484/584 Vieques Bunkers: Repurposing War for Nature (Bonnin)
ARCH 484/584 Venice Biennale, Riavvio (Corner/Duff) (joint studio, 32 students total)
ARCH 484/584 Emerging, Living, Connections (Hahn)
ARCH 484/584 Knight Campus Academy (Thallon)
ARCH 484/584 A Rural Design Studio (Young)
ARCH 484/584 After Form: Design of an Urban Node (Rajabzadeh/Marizad)
ARCH 484/584 UO Black Cultural Center (D.Williams)
ARCH 484/584 Urban Diversity and the Midtown Garment District (Kayatekin)
ARCH 484/584 If All the Sky Were Paper – Givens
ARCH 484/584 Furniture Studio – Bonomici

Winter 2018—Introductory

ARCH 283 Architectural Design I (Hagenlocher)

Winter 2018—Intermediate

ARCH 484/584 Net-Zero Elementary School for Eco-learning (Elzeyadi)
ARCH 484/584 Mass Plywood Small Structures (Sheine)
IARC 484/584 INCLUSEUM:* An LGTBQ Museum/Cultural Center (Kive)
IARC 484/584 1,783 Hours (Tackett)

Winter 2018—Terminal

ARCH 485/585 Interface: People, Buildings, Nature (Nute)
ARCH 485/585 Ecology, Identity, And The Future of Work (Moore)
ARCH 485/585 Museum of Modern Architecture & Design (Cartwright)
ARCH 485/585 Living in a New Land (Davis)
ARCH 485/585 reHousing Eugene/Springfield (Keyes)
ARCH 485/585 Refugee Housing in Europe and the United States (Neis)
ARCH 485/585 Fisherman’s Terminal (Rowell)
ARCH 485/585 Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design (Tice)

Spring 2018—Introductory

ARCH 284 Architectural Dsgn II (Williams, Smith, Bonnin, Speranza, Brode, Minder)
ARCH 384 Architectural Dsgn IV (Smith, Rockcastle, Hahn, Givens, Fowler)

Spring 2018—Intermediate (Preferencing)

ARCH 484/584 Arch Dsgn- It’s A Mod, Mod, Mod, Mod School! Mass Timber (Sheine)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Dsgn- Imagining the Future of Industry at the Port of Tillamook Bay (Donofrio)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Dsgn- Swansong School of Architecture (Thallon)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Dsgn (Moore)
IARC 484/584 Interior Design (Kuhnhausen)
IARC 486/586 Furniture Dsgn (Hagenlocher)
IARC 447/547 Working Drawings (Fribley)
LA 439/539 Landsc Arch Des & Proc (Geffel)
LA 439/539 Landsc Arch Des & Proc – Krueger
LA 489/589 Site Planning & Design (Ribe)

Spring 2018—Terminal

ARCH 486/586 Interface: People, Buildings, Nature (Nute)
ARCH 486/586 Ecology, Identity, And The Future of Work (Moore)
ARCH 486/586 Museum of Modern Architecture & Design (Cartwright)
ARCH 486/586 Living in a New Land (Davis)
ARCH 486/586 reHousing Eugene/Springfield (Keyes)
ARCH 486/586 Refugee Housing in Europe and the United States (Neis)
ARCH 486/586 Fisherman’s Terminal (Rowell)
ARCH 486/586 Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design (Tice)

Summer 2018 Design Studios: Intermediate

ARCH 484/584 Arch Dsgn (Hahn & Tepfer)
ARCH 484/584 Arch Dsgn (Bonnin)

Summer 2018 Track I Graduate Courses

ARCH 610 20th Century Arch & Theory (Cava)
ARCH 611 Graduate Design Process (Moore)

Summer 2018 Track I Graduate Studios

ARCH 680 Intro to Graduate Design (Elzeyadi)
ARCH 680 Intro to Graduate Design (Hagenlocher)

2017-18 Eugene Subject Area Courses

Approved Subject Area Electives

Fall 2017

ARCH 201 Introduction to Architecture (Givens)
ARCH 4/500M Climate Responsive Des (Rempel)
ARCH 407/507 Terminal Prep (Nute)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Int Liv Des Sust (Thallon)
ARCH 410/510 Housing Design (Keyes)
ARCH 410/510 Passive Cooling (Reynolds)
ARCH 410/510 High Performce Bldgs (Elzeyadi)
ARCH 410/510 Bio Parametric Design (Cheng)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Utsey)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Speranza)
ARCH 440/550 Spatial Composition (Nute)
ARCH 461/561 Structural Behavior (Duff/Donofrio)
ARCH 470/570 Building Construction (Moore)
ARCH 471/571 Building Enclosure (Corner/Rowell)
IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting (Cartwright) (adv tech when taken with 4/606 Sp Pr Electric Lighting)
ARCH 607 Sem Track II/Eugene (Gillem)
ARCH 610 Introduction to Architecture Computing (Speranza)
ARCH 620 Methods of Sustainable Development (Kwok)
ARCH 633 or 606 History of Sustainable Design (Special Problems) (Kwok)
ARCH 661 Teach Tech Subj Arch (Kwok)
IARC 204 Understanding Contemporary Interiors (Ahn)
IARC 444/544 Furniture: Theory & Analysis (Zimmer)
IARC 445/545 Comp Project Preparation
IARC 4/574 Historical Interior Architecture I
IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting (Cartwright)

Winter 2018

Winter 2018 History Group Requirements

ARCH 202 Design Skills (Williams)
ARCH 400M/500M Passive Heating (Rempel)
ARCH 407/507 Working Cities: Architecture, Place, and Production (Davis)
ARCH 407/507 Sustainable Urbanism (Larco)
ARCH 410/510 OregonBILDS: Sustainable Construction at the Building Site (Thallon)
ARCH 410/510 Human Centric Environments (Rockcastle)
IARC 407/507 Domestic Scenes (Hagenlocher)
IARC 417/517 Context of the Architecture Profession (Rowell)
IARC 471/571 Interior Construction Elements (Buzzell)
IARC 475/575 History of Interior Architecture II (Kive)
ARCH 423/523 Design Process Media: From Concept to Building (Givens)
ARCH 440/540 Human Context of Design (Young/Gillem)
ARCH 462/562 Wood & Steel Building Systems (Donofrio/Duff)
ARCH 491/591 Environmental Control Systems I (VDW/Kwok)
ARCH 661 Teaching Technical Subjects in Architecture (Kwok)

Spring 2018

Subject-Area Electives: Architectural History, Advanced Tech

ARCH 222 Intro Arch Comp Graph (Speranza)
ARCH 407/507 Japanese Space in the Western Mind (Nute)
ARCH 407/507 Sem – Five Architects (Tice)
ARCH 407/507 Sem Intg Dsgn – Mobility Performative Prototyping: Dsgn Considerations for Systems of Mobility (Donofrio)
ARCH 409/609 Practicum Off Campus Experience (Poticha)
ARCH 410/510 Timber Techtonics Digit (Cheng)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Inf Model Revit (Powell)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Inf Model Revit (Williams)
ARCH 410/510 Bldg Int Liv Des Sust (Thallon)
ARCH 410/510 Passive House Design + Detailing (Kwok)
AAAP 417/517 Am Arch Presrv Pers II (Heath)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Devel: From Concept to Building (Givens)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Devel: Digital Collage Techniques (Williams)
ARCH 430/530 Architectural Contexts (Davis)
ARCH 435/535 Princ Urban Design (Gast)
ARCH 439/539 Minimal Dwelling (Fifield)
ARCH 492/592 Environmental Control Systems II (Van Den Wymelenberg)
ARCH 495/595 Daylighting (Cartwright)
IARC 447/547 IARC 4/547 Color Theory & Applications (Hagenlocher)
IARC 472/572 Inter Finis/Des Appl (Fuller)
IARC 473/573 Working Draw for IARC (Fribley)
IARC 476/576 Hist Interior Arch III (Kive)
ARCH 480/580 Superv Design Teaching (staff)
ARCH 480/580 Superv Design Teaching – Application (staff)
ARCH 492/592 ARCH 4/592 (Van Den Wymelenberg)

Summer 2018

Subject-Area Electives: Architectural History, Advanced Tech

ARCH 410/510 Bldg Inf Model Revit (Buzzell)
ARCH 423/523 Media for Design Development (Givens)